1 / 55
Jul 2021

let's have some fun with a simple and non-promotional game that's just here to have a good time!

rules are simple:

  • answer the "would you rather" question from the user above, and then ask your own "would you rather" question.
  • keep it safe for work
  • be creative, but don't make it unneccessarily convoluted
  • created

    Jul '21
  • last reply

    Jul '21
  • 54


  • 1.5k


  • 24


  • 102


Frequent Posters

There are 54 replies with an estimated read time of 5 minutes.

Would you rather Listen to one song on repeat for ever, or be never able to hear any music at all?

if I get to pick the song, absolutely rather listen on repeat. But if I don't, then I'd have to see what song that would be

be sure to add your own question so the next person has something to reply to!

Would you rather live somewhere you don't know anyone, or somewhere you don't know the language?

Somewhere I don't know anyone. Even if I don't know the people there closely, we'd eventually become at least acquaintances.

Would you rather give up listening to your favourite musician or give up reading your favourite author?

I would rather give up my favourite author

Would you rather be poor 500 years in the the future, or rich 500 years in the past?

I would rather be rich 500 years in the past. The value of wealth continuously rises and the definition of wealth also changes. I gotta need money to be adaptable in the future because poverty is a crab pulling me down the ladder. Capitalism still rules the world! That's a fact. No pressure but I don't like pushovers. Y'all get what I mean.

Would you rather time-travel to your past or time-travel to your future?

I would rather time travel to my past and change things because I just know my future is a mess.

Would you rather wake up as a prodigy of your chosen instrument or a genius at math?

I'd rather be a genius in math. My fundamentals suck!

If you were a terrible convict or criminal, would you rather have a punishment of being sentenced to live in a pitch black room forever or be blinded permanently?

P.S. I'm just creating a scenario so I'm also thinking of myself in the shoes of that certain criminal. I wonder what's his or her crime...

be blinded, if that means I'm not restrained

Would you rather get rid of one bad habit you have, or acquire a good one you don't?

I've been reading entirely too many royalty manhuas so my immediate response is 'treason, but they were framed and they're about to be sent into their body of ten years ago to get their revenge'.

Get rid of a bad habit. I have some nervous habits that aren't good for me.

Would you rather be just locally famous in your own lifetime or world famous but only after your death?

So do I.

This only applies if that supposed criminal is really innocent but notice that I added this phrase:

Obviously, you can't add the word "innocent" to a "terrible convict", right?

Oh, I'm thinking they were innocent of treason specifically, but in literally every other context they were a terrible human, just devoted to whoever framed them and willing to go to some ridiculous lengths. Villains snapping in the one specific instance where they were betrayed is just so much more fun to play with in terms of character development imo, because you can really get into that 'what was the point of all of the things I did' and 'intense levels of denial because they were right in this instance so clearly they can't be wrong in all of the others'. Much more fun!

Oh I see your point. I got confused at first because you were going off topic a bit but I understood your point.

I get this one and this usually happens in anti-hero kinds of manhuas.

World famous after my death (so long as I lived semi comfortably in my life). I don't want to be perceived.

In terms of expressing sheer contentment, which do you prefer: standing barefoot in the grass in the middle of a summer shower that's the perfect temperature, or going to a mountain far above a city to stargaze and look at the skyline?

I say the former. A nice blend of comfort.

Would you rather be transported into the world of the comic/novel you last read or transported into the world of the videogame you last played?

I think 1 hour is plenty of time for people to participate if they wanted to, so I'll barge in again

Since the last comic I've read wasn't one I was particularly interested in, I'll have to choose the videogame. To be perfectly honest though, I'm not looking forward to be a part of fire emblem (specially fates) with my shit bases, all I can do is hope I'm a growth unit.

Would you rather all forms of entertainment be horror, or have no horror at all in entertainment?

I'd rather have no horror at all in entertainment.

Would you rather:
Have the world made out of donuts, or have a guitar that shoots sour cream and nacho cheese?