38 / 57
Oct 2024

Personally, I have no problem with the concept of ghostwriting as a way of assisting the credited author, but I probably wouldn't do it if it required me to contribute more than 60% of the work. At that point, I feel I should receive some credit. I would have concerns about my resume though. I may try to negotiate into being allowed to use it on a resume with contact information for those that seek verification of my claim.

I'm just gonna leave this here now...

"The Not Love Interest", "Implied Love Interest" and "Platonic Life Partners"

Never liked the prevalent idea in fiction that seems to communicate that romantic relationships are the best thing ever or is better/"more" than platonic ones, so I like stories that can show that platonic relationship can be as deep and fulfilling. #aroace

9 days later

does that mean came to you at random or seemed like a random twist? If so, it's the scene where Mora gets poisoned by the scent of bath salts in the chapter "Phantosmia"

A scene that came out of left field for me would have to be my characters Elias and Tholdir already knowing each other. I wanted them to bump into each other by accident but they already had a slight growing friendship


Or maybe, it can also be interpreted as "What scene in your book didn't fit into the genre you were writing?"

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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Ohh, I think most of my scenes fit genre-wise cuz they're usually a combination in the first place, but for Crystal Blue it would still be "Phantosmia" because that's the first psyche-thriller like scene of the novel

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My question: Would you survive and/or thrive if you ended up in your current story?

I think I would end up flailing around in the towers and ask to be moved to a desk job instead managing the hunters :smiley:

Here's my story if anyone's curious to try reading it! ^^

I would thrive. My life would probably be better actually because there are a lot of companies in the shared world of "A Dozen Morning Glories" and "Damsel in the Red Dress" that focus on hiring pocs and especially female pocs writers and artists, so I'd be doing stellar

Here’s my question what can you improve on writing wise.

One thing that I can work on is dialogue. Making sure that the conversations flow smoothly,trying to find that balance of show and tell.

I can improve at pacing. Sometimes I take too long to get to relevant scenes and sometimes I put them too close together lol

As long as my work in life makes an impact, I don't care if I get credit. It would be nice - so would being paid for doing what I love - but that's not why I write! I write because I'm compelled to and so I might be able to impact and inspire people.

My question is: "How would you approach writing a character that is the polar opposite of you, i.e someone you can't relate to in any way?"

Hmm good question I could be optimistic and say that the world will get better in 100 years but I don’t think that it will. Although I don’t think it’s going to get worse either, I think it will be like a roller coaster where some years are better than others and vice versa