Homies why create a false dichotomy? Mayhaps we prefer love interests who don't immediately slot into neat tropes and cliches. Hot boys who are sometimes good and sometimes bad. They aren't motorbike riding cussing stalking possessive assholes but they aren't goody toe shoes who can sweep you of your feet.
The prince charming trope feels a little over idealized and generally don't make for interesting romances because the boy himself is perfect so all the problems must come from sort of contrived outside circumstances or miscommunication. Which wears you down a little.
The bad boy trope is very very overused, and it's problems have been dissected many many times. But mostly it's just dull.
Most of the conflict and intrigue of a romance is the two leads learning about each other and restructuring the rest of their lives to fit together. The problem with the bad boy/prince charming story is that we already know their shtick, bad boy has trauma, bad boy needs fixing with magical powers of being in a relationship, bad boy is needy and an asshole. Prince charming is nice, and charming and maybe Ritch, external circumstances may prevent prince charming and main character from snogging on a 24/7 basis.
It's tired, I'm sleeping. Maybe a boy can be more than he first appears? Have hobbies and jobs and family and a life outside these cliches. Those elements influence who he is and how the relationship progresses.
Anyway I'd much prefer to boink a chaotic neutral clown.