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Nov 2021
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There are 74 replies with an estimated read time of 3 minutes.

OOOOHHH! I got it...

Very well. Here's a Frog I discovered on a bedroom window on the second floor of my grandparent's house.


And how it got there I've STILL no idea.

"Not Feeling Terrible sometimes"?
Yes please :pumpkin:

Yeah, we can talk about that, too. :doggo:

Watching HxH again. Totally not feeling terrible when watching it :relieved: make me wanna go outside and work out :joy:

I need to get back to to watching HxH as well. I really enjoyed the first half of the show I watched.

I'm surprised that they didn't remove your topic.

My concern is not about talking about NFT,
but even I want to ask about NFT you are against it or for it, it is consider a controversial topic.
and even I ask about what is controversial,
they just removed my topic.
I feel like I was targeted by the mods!

For a moment I was like "Ah, crap. Here we go again", then I opened the thread. xD

Anyway, Chrono Trigger's Frog is a very nice frog. :relieved:

I still gotta play Chrono Trigger. My friend told me to get the DS version but every time i can find it, it's out of my price range at the moment. :cry_swag:

It's a nice game. Gotta admit I played it years ago on SNES emulator, tho. :sweat_smile:

Lol. Doing it The real Epic Gamer's way! :sunglasses:

I'm counting the days of this topic...
will it survive?