A good friend of mine, blocked me on Facebook and I don't know what I did wrong. It hurts because I was making plans to hang out with her. Has this ever happen to you?
Nov '22
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A good friend of mine, blocked me on Facebook and I don't know what I did wrong. It hurts because I was making plans to hang out with her. Has this ever happen to you?
I grew up with someone I considered my best friend. It was a kid from my neighborhood and
we went to school together, spend almost every day together.
When we were teenagers we were drinking beer outside and I was attacked by a stranger,
older guy. That older guy thought I threw a beer can at him, which I didn´t. So he grabbed
me and started beating me up. My friend and his friends was watching him beating
me up and they didn´t do anything. We stopped hanging out after that happened.
That and some other things showed me that loyalty is hard to find. After that I always
said to myself it´s better to be alone than to be with false friends
Yes. She wasn't just a friend, she was my best friend. One day she just stopped talking to me, only to abruptly end our friendship without explanation a few days later. I thought I'd done something wrong and blamed myself for a long time, but years later found out she had broken ties with me over some rumors some nasty people had concocted up, and she'd been dealing with issues of her own.
Sometimes it may not be you, but them. And like Lensing said, it's better to be alone than be around toxic people.
I think I've only really clicked with two people in my entire life. The first one I've been friends with since elementary school and I really have to call them more often. The second one turned out to be a complete fucking monster, Im just gonna come out it and say it. I dont feel comfortable talking about it but we had a nasty falling out last year and since then, I've become a better person and a much more happier one. I still feel bad about it since I feel I was neglecting my true friends over him and his really messed up friend group. Because, while we did play off each other, I recognize that person was not a good friend and would never be one. Because real friends are always willing to stick out for you, no matter what
Do you have her phone or other ways to contact her? Blocking you with no previous quarrel sounds a bit strange, but honestly, as others previously stated, those things happen.
After school I went to uni to another country with my best friend. I would've never realized the day we find ourselves far from our homes would be the last one we were friends. This was really weird and abrupt, and even after completing a puzzle piece by piece in trying to understand the situation I still wished it won't end so. The only thing I hope for is that I haven't really contribute to the situation in the way she probably saw it. Unfortunately, there were also a couple of things I did after us parting the ways that probably made the situation uglier. Well, I was frustrated too and I take the blame for those.
Anyhow, you can still try and reach out the truth may not be to your liking, but it still could be better than nothing. But if the person don't want to talk the situation through, that's completely on them.
Sort of ... we weren't exactly close; acquaintances might be a better way to describe it. But it's been twice now that I cut off contact with someone I knew IRL because they pressured me into staying quiet in public about stuff I want to discuss.
One was this guy from a dumpster diving group on Facebook; he also runs a fortnightly board game thing in person that I went to regularly. I was having a (civil) discussion in the dumpster diving group with another member, and he essentially DM'd me telling me to stop talking and do not reply to the other person. I felt intimidated by this so I cut off contact with him (I did message him telling him why though); it sucked that I lost some people to play game with, but I eventually found others ^^;
The other guy I met at a summer school for math; later, I posted something on social media which he had an issue with and told me as such in DMs (which is perfectly fine), but then he pressured me to delete my post, even though I was prepared to edit it to include appropriate content warnings plus his side of the argument, with his identity redacted for anonymity. We didn't have as much contact as the first guy, but this might've actually hit me harder because some other people were also having issues with the first guy while this guy seemed like a kind and intelligent person - I really thought he was more ... open-minded than this.
So ... social media bad? XD ... Nah, I'm actually glad I got them out of my life early because the Internet allowed us to display our true colours so we know early on if we'd get along, and I'm glad the Internet gave me the courage to actually tell them why I don't want to associate with them anymore. If these were to have happened in real life, I would've probably panicked and caved to the pressure, and then ghosted them because I can't tell them what our problem is to their face.
Still, this has left me with something of a fear of discussing serious topics in DMs :'D I'd much rather talk in public where neither of us can afford to be a dick without others noticing.
In general though, I'm probably more worried about abandoning others than being abandoned myself :'D I can totally see myself freezing up and not helping my friend when they're in trouble, so I'd rather not get close to anyone who would see that as a betrayal. I value openness over loyalty; I don't want my friends to always 'support' me, 'side with' me or 'stick up for' me if doing so is not true to them or their limitations. And that's why I want to be open about who I am from the get go, so I don't get stuck with someone who expects me to be loyal
It sucks you were ghosted though, OP ... If your friend is anything like me and is afraid of private confrontations, maybe it could help to (gently) reach out to them in public? Like, make a public post saying "Hey, if you're reading this and blocked me recently, you can tell me why. If it makes you feel safer, you can reply to this post so you know I can't get mad at you without looking like a jerk. I'd like to reconcile if possible, though I understand if you'd rather not, or if you just don't see this post; in which case all the best :]"
Try not to be too emotional ("I miss you" etc), but this is something I'd probably respond well to, at least (and if they're not the kind of person who responds well to being reached out to in public; well, at least you kept their identity anonymous XD)
Sucks to hear that... :c But those things happen, sometimes in abrupt and nasty ways, sometimes because you simply go your seperate ways.
I've lost a majority of friends over the years, but I'm glad we parted mostly on postive notes and just drifted apart from there. Aside from that, there were only about 2 bad cases that I'd rather not ever see again, for better or for worse. Those experiences did make me struggle a lot on generally making friends, so I didn't really have that many people around me, but that makes me extremely grateful that I get to see my best friend at least once or twice a year, since we are pretty far apart currently; he's pretty much the one true friend I've always had and meeting up always feels like a refresher ^^
As it was mentioned before by @Lensing, it's better to go your own way than having people by your side that aren't truly genuine, which makes the time with the actual friends even better. However, those encounters are sometimes bound to happen and they only make you grow as a person, after getting over the loss. Just take all the time you need with it!
Not really I don't use Facebook outside of sending my mom recipes. (I feel kinda bad for this reminding me of jokes about geriatrics chewing people out for blocking them on Facebook.) Have you tried texting or calling this person? Facebook, half the time, isn't worth taking seriously. It's best to try to talk to them about it directly.
On a more serious note though, no. I lost interest in the friendship quest ages ago, just too tired to constantly keep up with someone, and be fun or entertain people into liking me. They get bored after finding out you're not sunshine and rainbows (Or a weirdo.), you two grow apart, they use your personal info and/or emotions against you, or they throw you under the bus eventually. My last friend got married and had a kid a bit out of high school, she works her ass off and we live at least two hours apart. I let her go some time last year or so since neither of us have the time or relate much anymore, given I'm single and without kids, which practically makes us practically two different species. At least from my experience people treat you differently when you're a single, childless adult.
If this friend doesn't work out you'll move on and find a new one, that's how life goes. Don't worry about it too much.
Friendship is difficult for me. I would love to have some close friends.
That really sucks that they blocked you! I don't understand why they would do that unless you kept bothering them or something. Would be nice if they gave a reason, then you can move on (well you will have to move on anyways, sometimes people just don't want to give an answer).