22 / 41
Dec 2018

The review can be public or private. I don't have a preference personally

This sounds good. My comic is the Almighty Protectors2 (I don't know how to do that box-around-the-description thingy everybody else seems to know how to do). There are others I have, which I wouldn't mention, but I should say: the first issue of my comic Karabear Comics Presents2 is where the Almighty Protectors immediately follows from, so it's only fair I mention that reading that issue before the main comic will make things make a little more sense. And the latest issue also introduces a character found in Karabear Comics Presents #4, 7, and 11, though those issues aren't a necessity to understand that issue.

Okay, that's a lot of clarification. I think I would want funny comments. It just doesn't seem right for me to put it up for review just yet, since it seems more right to do so after issue 5 goes live. I know the biggest complaint right now would likely be the multiple artists as it is (I'm hoping that starting in issue 6 every issue will be drawn by a single artist--sadly, that artist would more often than not be me).

But now it's on to reading your comic and commenting. But possibly after a few hours, since I really need to go to bed soon (it's after 2:00 in the morning over here--I stay up too late).

I’m in. Your comic seems great, and I will read it, but slow. I have some other reading/reviews to finish first, from my own similar post.

Here is mine and do give funny comments public. I’ll love that.

I definitely feel this was worth the exchange. I think the comic is fun and what people should at least check out.

And read it,very nice art that you have there !!

Readed and reviewed little fella!

Don't worry!, checked it out, It was kinda heavy to read honestly, even though I managed to read few chapters of the prequel and the other, a pity is not precisely my cup of tea. Keep working on it! and you'll find your nicho sooner or later.

It can go with those vibes, but you know what blends a lot better? Midnight flight orchestra,check it out man!!! also, Read your stuff, awesome stuff!!!!

Room left for another 2 ccomics this week! comics read this week 8/10

Not sure what to look up?
Is it by ”The Midnight” the Retro Wave artist?
And thank you for looking at my Blue Life. Glad you like it.

midnight flight orchestra is the name of the band, any song from them will do the trick

I've always wondered what other people's opinions on my comic was from those outside my country haha

I'll start reading yours later and I'll let cha know when I do

That's so New Retro! love it.

BTW Thank you for all the comments in my comic.

Welcome back :slight_smile: I’d love for you to take a look at mine....I’m just going to read yours now :slight_smile: I read from a previous comment that you’d like a review of yours? I’d be happy to do it after I’m done :slight_smile:

YOur thing is so facking cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuteeeeee, If I was diabetic I would have died!!!, I really enjoyed it <3

I'd like to but not needed xDDm just coments are honestly fine <3, also, already read your thingy thing, pretty interesting


Today Is Saturday And I'm resseting the count there's room for 10 comics this next week, remember guys COMICS those who are writters I'll make soon enough an event for ya, so keep around!

Hey buddy, thanks for what you are doing. Just about to head over and check yours out. Here's my little bit of Sci-Fi (Mature Content.) Comments and review welcome. Will definitely sub to yours and would love it if you could return the favour.

Thanks again.

Man you making me Blush. Don't have to subscribe xD only do it if you enjoy my stuff. That's my condition to subscribe to a comic if it clicks with me it clicks!

I'm checking your stuff RITE NOW! xd

5 months later

Oh shiet, I totally forgot I had this thing open, shamesly I abandoned that comic quite some time ago, I'm sharping my skills before I Jump into it again, But I apreciate your time! I'll read yours for sure!

Oh, I don't do Subs for Subs son, I do coments for coments, only Sub if the comic sparks a light to me xd neither I expect people to sub if my comic isn't their thing. have a nice day and keep up the good work.