22 / 22
Mar 2023

Wow. Just wow. So you had an avatar since the dawn of the internet! :flushed: I am honored you want to draw fan art dude.

Yep, have one of the earliest Yahoo mail accounts, 1998 I think.
Back then they offered 3mb storage space. :smiley:

I actually managed to get some fancy looking horns irl and a nice wig, so I took this as inspiration for my new ava :smiley:
And if I remember correctly, the 2016 ava is inspired by some steampunk stuff, I bought back then. Later on, I was wearing more confortable clothes ^^

Hihi, I felt the same xD Allens old ava is sooo engraved in my brain. But I like the new one aswell ^^

Thirded XD Tbh I felt the same with you and Kelheor but in your cases it's at least the same character (or just similar looking, in your case?) :stuck_out_tongue:

I always had Adrian as my avatar :smiley: I don't think anyone ever got to see the 2016 one, though, as I only started to interact with the community here in 2020 and at that point I'd already changed my avatar to the second one.

I didn't think too much of it as a personal image. I was always planning to renew forum avatar (changing characters) for few years. My avatar on Tapas site however will stay.

28 days later
21 days later

I started using this little watercolor bird dude in 2017. it's been my icon everywhere since then, and I still really like it so I don't really plan to change it anytime soon. (if I did, it wouldn't help me be recognized here especially since I barely post!)

1 month later

closed Mar 25, '23

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