Hi, I got an idea about a subject that may be fun, instead of just promoting your comic, I thought it would be more interesting if we share a little about our own creations, to let them know better outside their comics.
So, the requirement is simple:
-You share your childhood OCs and your modern OCs in a picture as a "crossover" (because from your perspective it is a crossover since you created them in distant moments of your life)
-Explain the role and main traits of your Childhood OCs and Modern OCs, maybe they are extremely different ideas and concepts.
-Share the link of your webcomic!

Note: It's not obligatory to do a Sub x Sub, you can just post your answer and Subscribe to the posts that got more your attention

Well, I'll start:

So, the ones with red arrows are my Modern OCs, while the rest of them are my Childhood OCs.

The story of my Childhood OCs was more about random situations played for comedy. In more detail, the characters are:

  • The twins, Ciquer and Koser, whose main roles were more like side characters. Among the cast, they were more laid-back, and their main role was to deliver the mail.

  • Kippi, as a chaotic comic relief, was meant to annoy people in different ways, whether intentionally or not. He was like a surprise box, causing a lot of random situations that usually ended up being hilarious. He became so iconic that he turned into a recognizable and favorite character in those days due to his oblivious personality and chaotic behavior.

  • Jover didn’t actually have a strong role during that era; now, he acts more as the one who keeps order among his brothers.

  • And Kippi’s brother, who is the only character who never got an explicit name, was always the most annoyed by Kippi's actions and behavior. Their roles were adapted for the current comic, keeping their main personalities intact. Their design is a homage to my art style as a kid.

Meanwhile, the Modern OCs focus on more serious themes, like loyalty, internal conflicts, perseverance, and romance. Each design serves a purpose. Here are the characters:

  • Imelly, whose main theme is focused on internal conflicts. She drives the plot and motivates the MC to take action at various points in the story.

  • Feith, the MC, has a main theme of Romance, which forces him to change and take risks, involving himself in scary situations he would normally avoid. He is a shy and innocent guy with a fragile personality, making the entire situation more challenging for him. Unlike his crush, who is a heroic guy willing to face anything, he serves as a role model for Feith to follow, helping him become a stronger character in the future.

  • Blou is a stubborn kid motivated to explore the world and tame wild creatures to compensate for his lack of 'useful powers.' His main theme is Perseverance.

  • Lastly, Agnou is a guy doing everything he can to save his loved ones. His theme is Loyalty, as we explore how the increasingly difficult situation leads him to make choices about who he cares for most.**.

Now here is the link:

I hope you like the idea of this post. :relaxed:

  • created

    Aug '24
  • last reply

    Aug '24
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Here's a few of my childhood OCs obviously drawn better. Original drawings from when I was 6 or 7 were long lost :laughing:

Basically just about a stupid dog named "spelldog" and his even stupider sidekick "insect" doing pranks and other stupidness.

And the villain is Mr. Sneeze who sneezes at the wrong moments allowing spelldog to get away. He's a big dumbass himself lol

My modern OCs... well... They're in my latest comics (AngHell Dela Blackpill)

Akala - based on a few women I've known and a little bit of my dark humor sarcastic self. She's the approachable "nice" villainess who can conceal her bloodthirsty sadistic nature. She's not femdom maxed like a typical vilainess.

Claudita - main female protagonist of Brood Knight, MAG-ISA, and AngHell Dela Blackpill. Calm and collected. Not much emotional fluctuations unless triggered by extreme cruelty and/or callousness.

The comic, AngHell Dela Blackpill will definitely be covering blackpilled themes but unlike a typical blackpilled message board where it's up to its eyeballs in nihilism and despair, there's light at the end of the tunnel.

And to come to think of it, if you read about monks of any religious external covering, they've all arrived at the same observations about this world that a blackpilled nihilist atheist has arrived at... which is interesting.