330 / 681
Jun 2020

Long time no see, the end of the year has been quite busy at school. I see many new comics on this thread, that's great. I will try to stick a bit more to the daily schedule

@sanoan : I love your screentones with the "paper effect" (or sand effect ? I don't know how to call it, but it's really nice) on your first chapter !

@demthorshie : The colors on this page have a really sci-fi vibe. I would never have thought it was a fantasy-romance. Very original, it's a nice change.

@Zyephen : Great cover. I just discovered your other comic Chaotic Nation. this one looks just as promising.

Psychomantium ep01 page 4

@prodigiumcomic : Nice colors ! The hair in particular.

@centrifugal : OMG ! Mythologia seems like a real classic painting taking life to tell a story. That's some awesome work there. It must take eons to make ! O_o
Also, the way you depict the mythological deities is really interesting (your "Moires" are awesome)

@purrlpankras : Nice character ! I never thought a house fly could be so cute and funny. You nailed it for me !

PSYCHOMANTIUM ep1, page 5 (postapolcalyptic - sci-fi - horror manga)


MEGAMI SHIIZUN - 34 (I want to fix the artwork of so many pages from this chapter :tired_face:)

@Eskhar - Welcome back! I'm very excited to read the next pages. But, I'll pace myself with just one today. :yum:


@Candlebite The hearts are inside the planet or outside like the first panel?
@momoikhile Very cool and well madechibis and I hope people from here help you on that goal too, best of luck of getting them subs.
@Eskhar Is Neurovegetative some type of vegetable lol.
@KaixyM Excuses excuses lol.
@Iseitouch Me and him would of gotten along very well at school haha.
@kitschensyngk Pictures of your pages then the link friend.
@lynestjules I mean they shouldnt even be surprised. Do what must be done to save the lands.



Haha, I'm fond of gardening, but maybe I made an hazardous translation there xD
It's a neologism for a substance which induces a vegetative state in the patient and get his neural activity near zero. Like a comatose, except worse.
If someone more experimented in english has a more meaningful world, I would'n mind the help, it gets quite difficult each time there's scientific or medical notions !

ACROALIS : : Yeah, chapter 2 ! Her awakening is hard, but she made an impressive move during the battle, so no wonder. That was a hell of a great encounter between the 2 characters. good job !

@lynestjules : Haha, I know what you mean. It's incredible to see how much progress can be achieved in one or 2 chapters, that we can't see the beginning anymore without being super hard on ourself. But it means we get better, so cheers ! You got pretty far, you should keep going on. Imagine if after you fix the first chapters, you've gotten better and want to fix the last chapters too @___@ !!).
Still, I like when you put some scenery in your pages. The mansion was greatly designed.

@jmhenry : I remember this page. Bad guy is so badass in this. Poor Volken, didn't even have the time to chill a little from his firt run !
That's true his power can developp in so many ways. I'll enjoy to see how he will use them, or to know more about the lore (like limitations and the like)/

@wadevezecha : Really dynamic ! I'm quite curious, I'll go check out your comic.

I'm a bit early for the daily page, I ought to sleep a little more regularly @__@

@CrystallikeICE That is one intense teacher ^^;;
@Candlebite Nice job handling the lore!
@Eskhar Great use of speed lines in the last panel! You can feel the impact :open_mouth: