9 / 12
Apr 2019

I know this topic has been brought up multiple times and some people do not care what their comic will target a specific audience just as long the audience have open minds and are willing to read any kind of interesting story.

But, a couple of friends have ranted to me about their content being commented by an unusual group of audience. In YouTube and mostly in Tapas (they insist that they will remain anonymous though).

I don't want to assume but most of these "commenters" have their profile pics relating to Gacha which I can tell maybe they are younger or maybe are still kids.

Their comments are like
"Lmao f*ck no"
"The girl isn't pretty enough for the guy"
"This is cringey and bad to look at"
"No offense but the girl looks like **** from ***** "

Though some of the comments I saw are pretty good and positive (mostly from non-Gacha people), it's just that these kind of commenters jump in all of a sudden leaving some immature comments or disliking or low rating the content, not even to bother how the authors absolutely worked hard on it.

My judgement on my friends' comics though= relating to drama and romance of people who are adults. There is no NSFW or mature content so far. Their art styles seem pretty good and all in all the comics are a decent read. AND they don't need to tell who are their specific audience in the comic honestly.

We all know there are some haters and dislikers in the internet, you can't please everyone as they say. But this is just a tiny bit surprising when these group of people stumbled upon your comic leaving some comments that doesn't even support their point.

What's with these Gacha people.

It's so unusual they came out of nowhere and went on your comic that has nothing to with "Gacha". I know people have different tastes but suddenly a group of Gacha people commented on your comic. What the heck LOL. No offense to gacha people I know there are some good people from you guys too. But getting a group of you people having negative comments mostly kinda makes me wanna sum you all up on your attitude. :sweat_drops:

Pls dont kill me. I don't know what to exactly think or know I am just stating the situation on what happened.

Mostly I just tell my friends to ignore them and keep doing their comics. But this is just really an unusual thing to happen. Knowing my friends have nothing to do towards Gacha fans.

  • created

    Apr '19
  • last reply

    Apr '19
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"Gacha"? You mean that game by Lunime where you dress up characters and stuff?

I don't know much about the fandom for that game, but looking at its gameplay and screenshots it's definitely for a younger audience (no offense to any older people that like it).

That might be the reason - younger kids can do immature things like that (speaking from experience), but on the internet you get all sorts of people. A few clicks can lead you to any comic you like here.

May I see some of the works that have been commented on by these people? Although perhaps a better word would be "trolls".

Yes, I have even seen a little how the Gacha fandom goes, some telling their content is pure art which isn't. Heck, in most art communities they get annoyed by these kind of people spamming a lot of Gacha stuff.

Tiny rant but I hate how people keep saying that getting premade stuff from Gacha and changing them a bit by adding filters, etc calls it "pure art".

Unfortunately my friends have now deleted some of them/blocked some of them and is nowhere to be found. Wish they could have screenshoted :confused: (and they wanted to remain anonymous when I talk about this here ) They don't want to keep getting negative comments from the same people in their content. But probably every 2 or 3 weeks they get such immature comments and it's so odd their profile pictures always have to be related to Gacha. :sweat_smile: Is this how trolls work now? LOL By Gacha people??

Honestly makes me one step backwards to get even near this kind of people with my own content/comic that I might be publishing soon. It's really annoying to get some similar people getting unusually getting commented like this.
I just realized, probably they kind of spread their comic towards many social medias and suddenly these group of people saw it?
I guess a little lesson, advertise your comic towards specific kinds of communities/social media. Or it's just probably me just wanting to show my comic not very openly/publicly soon for the mean time.

lol I guess its kinda a similar situation to people drawing NSFW stuff in the internet and then being unexpectedly approached by kids commenting how gross they are. Kids where did you come from??

But to kind of answer the situation,, Gacha is such a big,, BIG fandom and it has taken over on some sorts of platforms. In YouTube,, Gacha videos have more views than actual animations tbh :0 Mostly on social media & platforms relating to art.

Hell even my little cousin loves Gacha, a LOT of people loves Gacha. lol

(Not rlly me tho)

Which probably why because of taking over the internet they must have seen your friends' comics.
Not everything in the gacha fandom is bad tho,, I guess its a coincidence your friends' comics were approached by the bad part of the gacha fandom. But... I mostly have heard bad things regarding the gacha fandom so yeahhhh :thinking: It's mostly full of kids and younger ppl who just wants to have fun with this game. Therefore they are mostly kids who haven't "grown" yet so yeah, just ignore them and keep doing what you love. You have other people with more open minds supporting you anyways.

No offense to the good part of the Gacha fandom too btw ;;;""" I just hope yall realize sooner or later how hard it is to create original content/comics and then telling it's "just bad".

I know they are kids, but damn how ironic it is to be told bad or cringey on your content you have worked hard on from scratch when their content they make themselves are not even original and are made by some doll game.

Kids like throwing the word "cringe" around a lot, probably because they're less mature and thus a more narrow-minded. Plus they might do it to "act cool" in the "LOOK AT ME I'M BEING BRUTALLY HONEST HUEHUEHUE" way.

Honestly makes me sad about how kids generation have evolved today. They quite spend a lot of their time on their phones/gadgets rather than doing something else like playing physically like a normal kid would do. A 1 year old can already hold a phone nowadays. And we definitely get those incidents or accidents where children can already access the dark internet at their early days.

But eh who am I to complain, generations and time changes. :sweat_smile:

I blame parents who think the tablet or phones are babysitters, stop using technology and be parents god dang it >=C

edit: also yes those videos are so cringy I think I need a doctor XV, but hell most of the "popular" videos on YT is kids stuff/content =L

i got a weirdly rude comment from one of those gacha animators on youtube too? someone from the gacha community did my animation meme and one of their fans came onto my video saying 'sorry but the X one is better' and when i told them i didnt make mine to compete they replied with something like 'UH i was just expressing my opinion are opinions not allowed where youre from???'

then they tried to tell me taking screenshots and editing them takes just as much effort as animation does


Nopeee it's not real art or pure effort if you used Gacha. Even if you took a lot of time on "editing", that goes to the edit category instead of real art category,,, Kinda rlly unfair to see Gacha "animations" getting more views than real animations as well tbh

The fandom is rlly mostly a bunch of kids jfc, I hope they won't take over a lot of communities, animation memes, aminos and hopefully pls not the comics--

I wish I could consider them to be alright but with the way they are acting, but yeahh even tho they are still kids I hope they won't ruin anything else.

Sorry if u had to deal with those kind of peeps

I thought you guys were talking about the gacha games on mobile phone what...

I know Lumine, but idk about their 9 year old army

Yep we are, the topic lead mainly to gacha people LOL
Gacha can actually be useful for artists using just as a reference for the clothes or overall the character design. They have to redraw the whole character in their own style though.

Can you just get tired of seeing Gacha characters repeatedly using the same base every time.

Not sure if there has already been a Gacha comic on Tapas though.