69 / 140
Apr 2021

So proud that are new writers on Tapas :heart_01: Also your covers are GREATTTT!

@Donley @starrilune19 @vinoff @Jwebtoons @ShoresofAcadie I gave some likes, but I'd take my time to read some novels :slight_smile:
@Lemon_Demon thanksssss I'm doing my bestt
@Jwebtoons Don't forget that you link to show the info of you novel is this: https://tapas.io/series/The-Legacy-of-Combat/info3

Also If you like fantasy novels here is mine, the story is becoming more interesting:

Wowww the visuals are amazinggg!!!! So far one of the covers I like the most!!! I read the first part, it's really interestingg.
Do you have an IG account? if so I'd like to follow you >.<

Hey guys! I just updated my story! Could you read and tell me what you think?

Here's my fantasy novel, The Lady of Ice and Snow1!

Spent a lot of time drawing the cover–pretty happy with how it turned out :slight_smile: There are also a few illustrated chapters. Check my novel out if you'd like:

@Alexeiv Our novels seem to share a few similarities so I'll definitely give yours a read.

@pocchari wowww you did a great job! I love it, I will check out your novel for sure. :slight_smile:
@Crippling_Anxiety your story is so interestinggg, I will have a look of it

Thanks for share your art and novels.

Hii this is my novel:

I hope you enjoy

@Quintessa I love the Black pink vibe :boom:, I read the first episode, at first I was a little confused then I got more into the story. I will read more episodes to know what is happening

Thanks for shareeee

Thank you so much, Don't worry though I'm not planning to quit early, there's going to be a whole lot happening in the story!!! It might take slightly longer for me but I hope you don't mind and you'll like it!!

GREATT!! that's the attitude, you can do it :slight_smile:

My first novel and only novel on Tapas so far:

Hi guys! Please read and subscribe! Tell me what you think!