583 / 936
Mar 2021

Great job at not sounding like a creeper, I deserve a gold star.

Here's my novel! 🖤

She was just standing there, as dazed and confused as the others.


"Day 937 feels like our lucky number!"

Episode 3

Both my father and Frank snapped back in synchrony, “that’s not the same! Pants are pants, and clothes are clothes!”

I had completely forgotten. Honestly, I was about to sleep the day away. What is wrong with me?

Probably too many things.

She closed the book as she stood to put it away. “I was waiting for you.”

“What for?” I asked, my eyebrows pulled together.

“I don’t really know.” She half-laughed as she shut the light off, coating us in darkness. “Maybe it’s just habit.”

“What does that mean?” Hari suddenly felt very ill at ease.


“She... she’s gone.” Rubia sobbed. “She just...”


Suddenly he shuddered, as if someone had poured a bucket of water on his head, goose bumps ran all over his body, and if zirks had hair on their skin, then all the hair on Tau’s body would stand on end.

“Pun intended?”

“And if you can’t we’ll just run like hell.”

Bill just nodded and walked slowly to the front of the car, trying to ignore the fact that he would have let that man stuff him in the trunk, no problem. Or eat him. Mrs. Buckman would not understand.
- From Episode 2: Oil Change.

Today, I was nobody; just another ghost riding along the wind, waiting, yearning for a new haunt.
-Lament, Urban Wolf

Leor slowly stops flailing and comes to terms with his fate. A tear forms and rolls down his cheek as he shuts his eyes. A faint smile lingers on his lips.

Maybe this isn’t too bad of a way to go

"Something with Curry I think."

...it was kinda cool to be blown up than dying peacefully in her bed in her eighties having her cats around.