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Feb 2020

Hello community, I'm new here I want to learn more about the readers and artists here
My native language is not english so... I apologize if I have a mistake.

So... Let's start with some questions for you , otherwise I won't sleep tonight . I want to know your prefereces as a reader or an artist.

You can ask something in the coments if you want

Do you prefer...?

1- Black & White Comic/ Colorful Comic (or novel)
2- Cartoon Style/ Anime Style/ Realistic Style
3- Comedy/Drama/Fantasty
4-Comic/ Novel
5-Vanilla/ Chocolate (okay that doesn't have sense but who cares :wink:)
6- Completed/ Incomplete (comic or novel)

You can answer more than one option.
Thanks for take your time to read this. Have a nice comic life <3

  • created

    Feb '20
  • last reply

    Sep '20
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I'd prefer colorful, cartoon style comics, whether complete or not. Comedy is more like my preference, with a side of serious (but not too serious like those superhero or shonen manga style comics).

If you prefer that style, check out @jensrichard77's Blue Life!

But if you want some sci-fi with a side of mystery, Hue Are You from @Rodimus13 is a start!

Not to be confused with Fleohr's Who Are You, which I'm also subscribed to.

Also, I like chocolate chip cookies.

1- Black & White Comic/ Colorful Comic (or novel): No preference here. It's all about execution.
2- Cartoon Style/ Anime Style/ Realistic Style: Same thing about execution, but I'm more partial to cartoon or more western-inspired art.
3- Comedy/Drama/Fantasty: I suppose I lean more towards drama and fantasy of the three choices. I have a specific sense of humor that not a lot of media captures.
4-Comic/ Novel: Again no preference, depends on the execution.
5-Vanilla/ Chocolate: CHOCOLATE if 'vanilla' here means 'safe and palatable to the majority of people'.
6- Completed/ Incomplete (comic or novel): Completed. OR it has to have a damn good roadmap for completion. I've seen too many good stories just stop uploading for various reasons.


1- Black & White Comic/ Colorful Comic (or novel) - This depends entirely on the story being told. Style serves story each and every time. Story comes first. But, I don't care if a novel is color over black and white. Especially if the color is done really poorly it might actually be a detriment. I'm picky about color.
2- Cartoon Style/ Anime Style/ Realistic Style - Much like above I think it depends on the story. So I have no preference, but if you have a very generic style I might get bored, visually speaking, so it has to be balanced with something exciting to even it out.
3- Comedy/Drama/Fantasy - A healthy balance of drama and comedy should be in every work. Fantasy is always something I'm down for, but even if it's not fantasy, you should be aiming to make me laugh and cry.
4-Comic/ Novel - I like both. I'm a bookworm. I like beautiful art. I have no problem with either of these things and I consider comparing the two the same as comparing an apple to an orange. But if I'm gonna tuck into a book by the fireplace if the power goes out, I will open a novel.
5-Vanilla/ Chocolate (okay that doesn't have sense but who cares :wink:) Chocolate. this isn't a euphemism, right? Like literally chocolate?
6- Completed/ Incomplete (comic or novel) - Depends on the comic. Gag-a-days have no end date really, so it doesn't matter if they're complete. Comics need to show me they've at least been running like a year to give me hope that they will finish one day. but really, comics take like 7 years to finish so I don't really...ever expect to see completed ones. I honestly don't care.

Welcome to the Tapas Forum. Feel free to take some polls -

1 - Both are fine.
2 - Anime. Cartoon - it depends, I rather won't read ones that are too uncanny/weirdly drawn
3 - Comedy and Drama
4 - Comic
5 - Chocolate!
6 - Both are fine

  1. Colour, but mostly if there is a special reason/ esthetic choice making colour necessary. If the comic is coloured 'just so it's coloured', I'm not interested. B&W can be really nice too.

  2. Realistic or semi realistic. I dislike manga strongly and have problems with the unatural body proportions in cartoons.

  3. Drama or fantasy.

  4. Comic. Not because I don't like novels, but I have a hard time finding some I like in contemporary literature in general, including webnovels. They're a few, but proportionately, much less than comics I like. I'll stick to classical literature.

  5. Durian. I don't like easy flavours, in food and in art.

  6. Both complete and incomplete are enjoyable. The best is to re-read, while completed, a great work that I followed while it was being created.

Welcome to the forum!
English is actually not native to something like half of the forum , so no worries!
1. I mostly read manga, so it's probably b&w that I prefer, even though my comic is coloured? I like coloured too, through.
2. Anime (preferably near realistic one). I guess it makes sense. I generally dislike American comics, other than that it can be (mostly) anything.
3. Fantasy and Drama.
4. Comics. I don't ever read novels on Tapas or anywhere. I have too many books I haven't read yet to read novels :sweat_smile:
5. Chocolate :smiley: Vanilla works only together with something. Like chocolate! Or chocolate cookies.
6. Whatever. I think I do prefer ongoing thought? It's nice to follow a plot for some time and see author becoming better. But it's too bad when author abandons the unfinished comic.

  1. Grayscale. Mostly because I grow up reading mangas, so Color or no color never really bother me.

  2. Manga style

  3. Anything in between.

  4. Both.

  5. Chocolate.

  6. No matter as long as it pique my interest.

Hi, welcome :grin:

  1. Love colour!
  2. Hmm, semi-realistic if I had to choose
  3. Fantasy, baby!
  4. Both, I can't decide between haha
  5. I'm eating chocolate right now, I have a problem
  6. I like the agony of an incomplete

Welcome! You have no reason to apologize to me, your English is WAY better than my ability to communicate in any other language. It could possibly prove to be BETTER than my English too.:grin:

1- Black & White Comic/ Colorful Comic (or novel)...Can read both, lean more towards color unless the subject matter is better suited to greyscale

2- Cartoon Style/ Anime Style/ Realistic Style...like them all, but I'm personally more of a semi-realist artist

3- Comedy/Drama/Fantasty...Like it best when genres get all shook up and hard to describe

4-Comic/ Novel...comics, really I read novels a lot too but offline.

5-Vanilla/ Chocolate (okay that doesn't have sense but who cares :wink:) ...CARMEL!!!

6- Completed/ Incomplete (comic or novel)... Fine with both, just entertain me while you're in front of me.

1- Color
2- style doesn't matter so much to me, it is all about how it is done
3- Comedy
5 Chocolate, whatever that means
6- incomplete, as in: still keeps going

1- Depends on the comic? I like to have at least some color references so I know what people look like in the black and white ones. They tend not to have narration provide information like hair color like novels do.
2- Probably cartoon styles. anime is fine too.
3- Comedy with maybe a touch of drama for comics (or slice of life-ish with some of both), fantasy for novels
4-Comic/ Novel = Yes
6- Incomplete comics are ok, but I prefer complete novels.

1- Black & White Comic/ Colorful Comic (or novel) --COLOR, unless the B&W is stellar
2- Cartoon Style/ Anime Style/ Realistic Style --Anything that isn't generic
3- Comedy/Drama/Fantasty --All
4-Comic/ Novel --Comics; I'm too picky to read most online novels
5-Vanilla/ Chocolate (okay that doesn't have sense but who cares :wink:) --Vanilla
6- Completed/ Incomplete (comic or novel) --Either

1- Honestly, I've read so many amazing comics that are in B&W and in color. It all depends on if the colors add anything into the story. For example "Stand Still, Stay Silent" webcomic uses colors beautifully to set the scene and mood of each chapter - it wouldn't be the same without it. As an opposite, a webcomic "Say the Right Thing" is very charming with the B&W style and rasterization that can be seen in manga. The lineweights get to shine when there isn't color to distract and I don't think it would work well with colors.

2- I'm biased with the manga style as I've read manga most of my life. However, style itself doesn't really matter - it's how the style conveys the story that matters.
3- I like some light-hearted comedy and it's up to my ally, same with the fantasy.
4- I don't really read novels (at least in Tapas) so I guess I should say comics.
5- Chocolate all the way!
6- Definitely a completed work or a comic that updates regularly and in-schedule.

1- Black & White Comic/ Colorful Comic (or novel)

Color! I don't mind B&W, but I prefer color for sure.

2- Cartoon Style/ Anime Style/ Realistic Style

No preference. There are comics in each of these that I like and dis-like for various reasons.

3- Comedy/Drama/Fantasty

I'm mostly into Fantasy/Action, both creating and reading. But I like other types too~

4-Comic/ Novel

Comic... I don't read novels very often sadly :sob:

5-Vanilla/ Chocolate (okay that doesn't have sense but who cares :wink:)

This is hard! No preference I guess... really depends on what it is and my mood at the time loool

6- Completed/ Incomplete (comic or novel)

Completed is always nice because you can get through the whole thing and not have to worry about how long to wait for the next installment or the story being dropped, or etc. etc. Although I extend "complete" to even meaning like a certain story arc or segment of a comic/novel. Like sure if you get through book 2 of 5, the story's a long ways from being actually complete, but at least it will have left off on a satisfying note (hopefully!) in the mean time~

Jaja what a funny question!

I can read WB and color comica as well, but i rather drawing them in color

Cartoon and realistic over anime. I draw cartoon

Comedy, drama, fantasy...! Aall of them!!

Comic. Its hard to read novels on a movile or computers.

Vanilla.. im pretty vanilla.

Both. Completed or ongoing as long the end exist someday or sometimes. I hate that the series stop just when i got hooked up

  1. Probably color! Though I appreciate other kinds and still read those!
  2. Hard to stay with style because I don’t think I like any of those on their own...I prefer a fusion....but I think I like cartoon/realistic together the most?
  4. Comic. I just have the hardest time nowadays calming myself enough to read novels. Granted I love novels but with so much reading assigned for school I just want a break if that makes sense
  5. Only Chocolate if it’s fancy and good quality, otherwise I default to vanilla lol
  1. Doesn't matter, as long as it's good art.
  2. Anime style
  3. Comedy
  4. Novel. I'm so picky about art that I'd rather not have art at all sometimes. Thus, I read novels.
  5. Chocolate (??)
  6. Doesn't matter. Preferably it has enough chapters/episode that I can binge quite a bit early on. (10+ chapters)