5 / 26
Mar 5

At least a 7/10.

Hand looks a bit awkward

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

You broke me ،I literally sat on her drawing a whole hour

Nah man, the hand looks really good actually. It's this line that I'm not sure about?

Other than that, it's good, but kinda flat.

Oh, the picture was clear, so I was surprised that he didn't understand

It could have been rating the art overall, or anatomy, the rendering, how well you conveyed emotion, a number of things.
No need to be rude and reply with 'none of your business' when people just want clarification

My apologies, It was a slip of the tongue, I thought he didn't want me to comment here, since I don't speak English much

You want to see my art? 🥺

Here’s something I drew lately. It’s The Elsie Gang. My babies! :heart:

Damn, what did they say?

Also, I'm a woman. Just a drawing without context could mean anything. Were you asking for advice on the expression? The hand? The face proportions? The lighting? Or the overall drawing? God forbid any one asks for clarification.

I give it a 6.5/10