Lukas Elias
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- Aug 3, '17
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- Oct 11, '17
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- Oct 13, '17
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That is impressive. Yes it has been done numouros times but it still works, good ideas and the hint at the end had me want to read more. how come you never got to write it?
Hey there, I had the idea about this a while ago. I am creating this thread so people might post a first chapter or a sequence from a work of progress they have not yet felt comfortable to making it a novel. The idea is to share one pilot with other writers and get some feedback for it... usuall…
hey there everyone! just finished my 165th page of my second book... 170k words into my series and I think im slowly getting the hang of it as to getting noticed... I got a couple of readers on other sites but tapas has been slow... probably need to advertise more actively XD
yeah i agree with you there! Not an aweful lot of commentary going on... most of the stuff I got was: thanks for the chapter, or go let your character do a rampage and kill everyone...
I started writting historian records about the Chain worlds... if any of you are interested pm me^^
I would imagine doing good colabs with a setting like this would be difficult... but then again I never did a real colaboration on anything with anyone
I started out with a buttload of short stories about individuals in the world... after I gathered quite a bit I began my first try of teh book (which ended a week into the project since I miserably failed due to lack of skill) I then started out with an easier peice set in the future of my world and…
yes... the timeline is kinda tricky since I got to make up a progressive world that invents both ideologies and technology in a way that is believable while still keeping magic and gods in play... It is, if nothing else, a lot of fun
The idea I got so far is that characters change every three books, the old protagonists stick around though and still do their thing the focus is just diferted to the new cast. Over time the old character will age and die (some of them at least) while others become gods, or the helpers of gods, or p…
Hey there, looking for some opinions for this What do you guys think about a world that fully changes like our own did over the time. Namely starting somewhere in the medival times and then progressing until it reaches a science fiction setting... I have yet to find anything like this and though…
Finish my series... regardless of me being published or not I would like to see the books finished
scotch... or rum... depending on how late it is...
I will give it a go, not my usual genre though
took me six months to get my 50k reads on RRL... and even then I got about 100 comments in total and wrote 180k words to get there. I never fully understood the whole networking aspect of the site though and felt as if the forum was pretty much dead. Here the forum seems to be the active part and …
Hey there everyone! I am currently writting a fantasy and a science fantasy story. My plan is to join the two at some point, have the fantasy story progress until it becomes science fantasy... soo lots and lots of books already planned... I also got another book coming along as a side project, …
thank you for the offer, will do
Networking... Oh boy, I have never been good at that Thank you for all your answers! I will get right to it!
Thank you for taking the time ISNEKO, I will be hearing from you then.
thank you very much! I will check out those sites.
Hey there, I just started out on tapas and am looking for some feedback on my web novel The Third Fleet. I have been on a couple of other sites but so far the feddback I have been getting was very sparse. Setting: Science Fantasy, Mankind is at war with the Ercinee and lost their homeworld, the Em…