

hi! i make comics about my view of daily life..
and i am sleep deprived

@Darth_Biomech yep just googled it,your right! lols 🤣 you learn something new everyday

Either a moth because they're cool, mysterious and nocturnal. Or Franz Kafka.

Dragonfly for sure. Super fast and gets to fly....also a very dangerous predator the other insects are scared to mess with....I wanna be that cool

Definitely a stick bug, I have poor metabolism so I'm rather thin. And I stick bug the heck out of my boyfriend whenever I can [:rofl:]. [image]

I too, would be m o t h specifically a luna moth because they're the best! :heartbeat: [image]

I'd want to be an assassin bug, because their big eyes and long beak are so cute. Too many species to pick from, but I'd rather be a predator over a parasitic species. Caterpillar dinner over blood dinner, any day. I'm a niche bug for a niche audience, lol.

Oh xD You're right, pill bugs are isopods, I just researched, unless that's incorrect, please correct me xD You learn something new everyday! Thank you for letting me know. Then, I would pick a ladybird beetle. I love the vibrancy of their colors and the different patterns their spots and how symmet…

Having followed the adopts community, albeit more from the outside than in, there are a few scammy folks who steal and sell designs but the majority I've seen are honest folks putting large amounts of work into creating character design from the ground up sometimes with story/background or other tra…

@simplykit @Phantomlight Sadly, those are not insects. I'd want to be a dragonfly. Not only they can fly and maneuver like no other, they're just F A B U L O U S, second only to butterflies and moths. A damn good reason for why they stick around for more than 300 million years.

I like working behind the scenes and don't really wanna stand out too much, so I'd say a grasshopper. [:sweat_02:] [image]

I'd be a cockroach because I'm rather tenacious and hardy. Also some people may see me as a pest

[image][Bikōchū | Narutopedia | Fandom] I would be a bikochu beetle, its a beetle from a Naruto filler, i would be that bug because they are super rare and i consider myself a very rare person.

I think I'm more like this type of hawk moth: solitary, nocturnal, and can camouflage. [image]

Look at this little guy just camouflaging himself like a champ! [image]

Mantis. The kung-fu masters of the insect world. They can live about a year, blend into their surroundings, and even fly. Plus you can't beat the mantis dance. Also they've got amazing vision for an insect. [image]

Probably a moth [image] [image] [image] They usually have lots of bright colors and/or interesting shapes and patterns which is the kind of thing I obsess over. Plus they're pretty fragile which I guess I can relate to as well. Also I just think they're least until one gets inside my …

i wanna be this guy ... "say hello to my little friend" [image] coz the name "DEATH STALKER SCORPION" is probably the best name ever!!! 🤣

A weevil, duh. It's in my name.

I live in the middle east, so we don't have wasps. At least not anywhere near houses - I've seen bees around. So I've had the fortune of not dealing with them, lmao. (Fr, though, I've got a lot of appreciation for wasps, even if they're aggressive as hell. They keep spider populations in control a…

Wasps. So I can piss everyone off. Specifically the Yellowjacket. I think that one pisses people off the most.

Why would you click on a topic about insects, if you don't like them? xD No hate, it's just intrigues me and it's a funny and interesting answer.

When I was a child, I would eat pencil graphite.

I know people who have eaten ants, dirt, newspaper, among other things as children. I myself had pica, a psychological disorder that is described as having an appetite for substances that aren't nutritious, but your body might crave it because it might be low on some sort of component in your body, …

I would be the bombardier beetle. The bombardier beetle can mix a chemical fuel with a catalyst inside it's body to create an explosive defensive action. [image][Bombardier Beetle Sprays Acid From Its Rear | Life | BBC Earth - YouTube]

Fireflies! They just seem super chill overall! They don't bother anyone, they're not likely to be bothered either bc apparently, they don't taste good for their predators. Bonus points for having a bright butt that makes any scenery nice to look at [image]

Yeah, I do follow some webtoon comics, but I don't have an account. I do perfer Tapas format, among other things, but Webtoon isn't bad. Just not my preference ^^

This actually reminds me, today I found this webcomic: Perhaps you'll like it! I like it so far, it's cute and it's about bug people, which I haven't come across before :3 It's refreshing!

uwu they look like they're ready for battle with their armor body but they're so shy and will roll up in a ball, it's just so juxtaposed to what you'd think xD I love them. I remember we tried keeping some in a tank, but they escaped, so yeah, I hear ya xD They're like "You can't contain me, human! …

I like pill bugs a lot, they're adorable and look like a bug form of an armadillo, since I'm kind of a shy person in real life, I think they're kind of fitting for me. And they also hold a special place in my heart because me and my siblings used to have them crawl onto our hands as kids. To be hone…