Black Waters
Mpumalanga, South Africa tapas.io/series/Garden-of-White-roses
I'm your friendly neighbourhood weirdo....
iuumh ok writing has always been one of my hobbies and I hope to find some people to share it with...
I'm a first year in varsity... I'm doing my BA... just thought id let you know. ow and I like meeting new people... so HMU whenever... lol.
okay bye.
You can read my Novel here... if you'd like to, no pressure lol
- Joined
- Aug 29, '19
- Last Post
- Mar 19, '20
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- Mar 19, '20
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I'd like to believe that my first read was unOrdinary by uru-chan. i really enjoyed it, makes me want to start reading it again
Well I'm the type of person who cant stay confined to one place. So I move around a lot. I purposefully chose a university that was furthest away from home, in a town where I didn't know a single person simply because that's just who I am. I'm planning to do my masters and PHD abroad. Now I wouldn't…
Its a yes from me. I love this photo. I was wearing my best black bag that day.
I think we're doppelgangers because that looks exactly like me.
When it comes to creating a story. I come up with the storyline and what the story is about. Characters are the last thing I create. They are made based on how an average person would in the context of the story. Which makes me fear that my characters my come off as two dimensional.
One of my friends posts on Wattpad. her story has a unique name, but when id search for it using the search bar it would just show me popular stories. The titles weren't even similar. I think when it comes to posting on Wattpad you should already have a following, or your novel will just be swallowe…
Is it only, but the longer I looked at this I felt as though the colours were jumping around. Is it my eyes?
I got 23 in this one.... sad
I...I.. I got *drumroll [:hype_01:] Zero.....[:cry_02:]
The journey looks most appealing to me.
“I don’t see how calling me Todoroki is an insult.” “What?”
well for my first Novel. I was inspired by my brothers trying to get him to love her using voodoo. My second Novel... I used to chase my friends down the road with rose petals and throw them in their faces because I liked how it sounded. this resulted in everyone avoiding rose bushes like the plague…
The beauty in murder.
A Orphan girl goes on a rampage and murders men in the name of love.
Love and death can co-exist right?
I'll be honest. I was kinda blackmailed by a friend. I used to write as a past time, but after my friend forcing me to write something substantial. I guess I started to taking it seriously.
here we go.
Could a garden of white roses drenched in blood be compared in beauty to naturally red roses? If so, would you find them more beautiful, more mesmerizing? Would the fact that they’re beauty is unnatural make them more beautiful? Would you question where the blood came from and if the …
would you be terrified by the fact that a garden of roses could smell like death
I think it was good when it started, but as the seasons continued the show started to loose its narrative.
I agree with this post, I'm still quiet new here and find it kind of intimidating. I feel like there's a ton of unspoken rules I'm unaware of. Sometimes I'll be reading threads were some of the comments mainly criticise the fact that the person is new to this platform, some refer to the newbie's as …
I wouldn't say I watch anime as a means to convince myself to keep living, but I will admit it really does give me something to look forward to. I'm the type of person who isn't gifted in terms of socialization, thus the group of friends I have is small (and I usually end up being the out layer). So…
I'm quite new at drawing, and I don't have a lot of complete drawings.
I drew this last year. [image] I drew this this year... I think last month [image] yes it's my DP... hides
I also see the future as death and desolation. Speaking about death, what happened to the turning human corpses into fertilizer and planting a tree on them thing. Basically making grave yards man made forests (eco friendly graveyards)
When I first heard of this I found it creepy... but the more I …
"This is an awkward way to initiate sex"
This is very simple recipe and should be easy to follow 1 cups of Love 1tsp of Betrayal 3tsp of Hidden sexuality 1 pinch of Voodoo 3 cups of Despair Bake it for 30 minutes for a nice hot piece of death.
I'm pretty sure a roach would survive that spell, those beasts are something else They're on another level
Sorry, but when its comes to eight legged beasts I become a damsel in distress. SOMEBODY SAVE ME!!!! I cant kill them, because I fear that its spider brethren, will want get revenge and I'd be attacked by a spider gang. TBH I'd rather just move out and change rooms. Like, "hey Mr Spider you want thi…
Thank you for that detailed review, and that link you added really made things clear for me. I can clearly see what everyone was pointing out now. I will work on fixing my grammar and syntax.
Ow I see now, that makes sense. I can see how that can make things confusing. I did think that it might be a bit hard to follow, my bad, so basically one of the biggest mistakes I make is sentence structure and loosing the narrative?
So I need to Fix my punctuation and reduce the run on time with the sentences I have. I can do that. thanks for the review.