

Jul 27, '20
Last Post
Jun 4, '21
Sep 24, '21
Trust Level

OMG! Thank you. I've subscribed 'cause I'm LOVING your story.

Hi, did you read mine and leave comments?

Cool. I can start it shortly, though this was for a reading and commenting exchange, so we both leave comments.

Yeah, not too bad. I read four chapters and comments (even though you only left three comments), not too bad. If I get time then I'll probably read some more later on my own accord. Very dark, I enjoyed the three chapters I read (after your two comments and subscription). Cheers. :wink:

They all may, although this one does sound interesting.

Cool. Honestly, anything except cliché romance or generic fantasy. I don't mind romance if it's something different, and I like dark fantasy, so long as it's not supernatural.

Wicked, thanks. I just ask that there be a comment on the chapter you read and then I know to start reading your. I leave comments too, don't worry. Edit: Whoops. Just rechecked and for some reason the comment notifications weren't showing up at new. Thank you though. Reading now.

I'm sorry, I'm not quite understanding what you're suggesting. Are you thinking of joining this now?

Thank you for reading, and thank you sooo much for a new story! The concept is so intriguing that by the time I finished chapter three, I was hooked.

I understand that but I'm also looking for new reads to get addicted to. That's why I have no mention of me subscribing to people or saying that people must subscribe to me. 'Cause if I like your story, I'm going to like chapters and subscribe to it so that I can keep reading without obligation. Som…

Hey there, so this is Caliope's Corner! So I have a novel of Tapas that is a collection of romance stories, it's called Risqué Whispers! I know how hard it is to get readers and people continually reading your story that you've worked hard on. That's why I'm creating this thread, to help. Or at…

A Regency story full of romance and drama.

I would love to know what you think of mine. It's just little risqué whispers of romance stories from the imaginations of a few.

My short stories have a bunch of romances that might intrigue you.

I would love to know what you think of mine.

“A chance?!”, Gareth repeated in outrage, throwing his hands up above his head frustratedly. “So you said yes, didn’t you? You threw 20 years away for something you known for 3 seconds at work. Well, I wish I knew that 21 years ago, 'cause then I wouldn’t have flirted with you in that pokey little …

"No, Nat, not that way. I want us to be married." She paused to let it sink in and then pushed a warm smile through the tears. "Natalia, will you marry me?" From Risqué Whispers

Gareth felt the fury form again and yelled through sniffles, “So your neck just landed on someone’s mouth?” From Risqué Whispers

Gareth felt the fury form again and yelled through sniffles, “So your neck just landed on someone’s mouth?” From Risqué Whispers

This is just little risqué whispers of romance stories from the imaginations of a few. Updates weekly/fortnightly

I simply pointed something out for seeming rude, I didn't attack or insult. I also thanked them for their feedback, so I'm not sure why you feel the need to say that what I've said wasn't nice, nor that I don't know how to take criticism. I do and I love it 'cause it helps me improve as a writer, he…

Thanks. I like the simplicity too. Uh, no, I am a native English speaker. That's a little rude to presume that one is not fluent in English just 'cause you find a mistake. I read through the chapter again and saw that I had written "weakly" when I had meant "weak", and a "for" that should have been…

Here's mine, I've only got one chapter so far but a second will be out later this week. It's a series of short romance mini-stories. I'm planning to update it each week. Risqué Whispers

So mine is a series of short romance mini-stories. I'm planning to update it each week too. So if you're interested, please give it a read and maybe a like. If you comment on chapters then I promise to then read and comment on your story too. Risqué Whispers

So mine is a series of short romance mini-stories. I'm planning to update it each week too. So if you're interested, please give it a read and maybe a like. If you comment on chapters then I promise to then read and comment on your story too. Risqué Whispers

So mine is a series of short romance mini-stories. I'm planning to update it each week too. So if you're interested, please give it a read and maybe a like. Risqué Whispers If you comment on chapters then I promise to then read and comment on your story too.

Here's mine. It's a series of short romance mini-stories. I'm planning to update it each week too. So if you're interested, please give it a read and maybe a like. Risqué Whispers If you comment on chapters then I promise to then read and comment on your story too.