D Noble
My name's Dave. I make and teach people about comics. I hope you enjoy them.
Be excellent to one another, and remember, you're beautiful, inside and out.
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- May 28, '21
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- Jan 17, '24
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Anything by Khyleri. [image] [image] [image]
Start yourself at minimum wage. (I recommend using US minimum wage even if you live outside the US, you should be going based on what your highest-cost-of-living clients can afford, not based on what your cost-of-living is) give yourself a dollar raise for every year you have been practicing/trainin…
People often forget that being good at drawing and being good at making comics are not the same skillset. There's a good amount of overlap, but you can be good at one without the other, and it's not just down to writing. There's a ton of extremely skilled illustrators out there who make garbage com…
Brandon Sanderson has a massive, sprawling fantasy universe that has a ton of moving parts and insane complexity, but each individual segment of the universe is contained in its own little corner and can be read independently, making it really rewarding for the fans who want to deep-dive, but really…
Across the board advice for writing characters in general: Start with goals. Always, always, always start with goals. In real life, people WANT things, whether that's financial stability, to bring happiness to others, accumulating wealth, fame and notoriety, the list goes on. People WANT to acquir…
Has any good music ever been produced by someone who dislikes music? any films by creators who don't enjoy movies? Any novels by those who don't like reading? Reading comics doesn't produce good comic creators by nature, it certainly helps improvement, but it isn't a prerequisite so much as it is …
Clip Studio does in fact have a motion blur filter, but it's unlikely that's actually going to get you the effect you want. It could probably get you something interesting, but I don't think motion-blurring some noise is going to mimic those grungy streaks. Once upon a time way easier to do this, …
I'd recommend treating it as a different project entirely: you make your comic as a comic, meant to be read in silence, and take advantage of the medium to do what it does best. THEN you cut apart the panels, get some VAs together, do some foley, and make some music to create a separate 'version' of…

In addition to what others here have said, there's plenty of forms of trauma that have nothing to do with abuse: harrowing situations, disease, loss of loved ones, and mental illness all come to mind. You mentioned a character who is worried about being attractive or else everyone they love will lea…
I usually just work at triple resolution when I'm drawing for the webtoon format. Webtoons display at 800, while I think Tapas displays at like 920 or something, so I just make my width 2400, my height 10x that so each section has 10 square 'chunks' and then scale it all down to 0.33 when I export. …
[image] You come up with A story on your first pass, then you tie disparate elements together, discard extraneous information, create cohesive themes, and rework sections to be more cohesive on editing passes in order to make it THE story you want to tell. Sometimes this editing is done in real tim…
Adding onto this, as a long-time Fire Emblem fan, there's a distinct 'split' from before and after Awakening. I'm personally a bigger fan of the old games, which are extremely low-fantasy: there's magic and dragons and stuff omnipresent throughout the whole story, but they're very mundane: Mages s…
Best recommendation in this whole thread. Final Fantasy IX is GOATed.
Okay, this one is a doozy, but if you want the single best videogame franchise of all time, my recommendation goes to the 'Kiseki' or 'Trails' series, depending on how weebish you want to be about your naming conventions. It's a tough one to recommend to newcomers considering it is currently 11 ga…
for superhero/fantasy-ish titles: Luminance The Luminous One/s The Radiant One/s The Pale One/s Solari Prism/Prismat/Prismatic Prometheus Quasar For actual people names: Apollo Lucius Lucian Lumen Lucifer (It actually means 'light-bringer', it just happened to be the name of the angel who was cast…
I have abandoned most of my ideas from childhood, potentially to be dusted off later and re-examined. Certain elements from earlier stories have made it into current ones. That said, you're in good company here: Eichiro Oda, author of One Piece, apparently drew characters from it in his middle schoo…
you will lose a lot of superficial appeal: There are a lot of readers (especially younger ones) who have a bit of that childish 'ooh pretty colors' mentality, and will immediately become bored from a black and white comic. The tradeoff, of course, is that you gain speed and efficiency, as you have a…
from a reader standpoint, I understand why vertical scroll format has taken off, but from a creative standpoint, I will always prefer the page format. Not only because it's what I grew up reading and spent well over 2 decades of my life getting used to, but because the vertical format simply allow…
slightly off-topic, but your comment about webcomics being criticized after publication made me think of this: From the receiving standpoint, one of the best phrases I've learned to live by is 'I'll fix it on the next page'. Like... if people give criticism of something I've already made and pub…
In my experience, this isn't an issue with the art itself, but with the very common misconception that being good at drawing and being good at comics are the same thing. Composition and readability can be maintained even in absurdly detailed and complex artwork, but it is an entirely different ski…
Generally speaking, the issue is that people relate to people on an individual level. Starting out with this bird's-eye view of things that happened to ostensibly faceless individuals who aren't present in the story just kinda... doesn't matter to the audience. I know the general advice in wri…
Some of the best advice I've ever heard. I think this was originally about coding, but it can be applied to almost ANY creative endeavor: "If someone tells you THAT you need to fix something, they're almost always right. If someone tells you HOW to fix something, they're almost always wrong." Ob…
(Also in regards to your story about the discord server, was it me who did that? That absolutely feels like a 'me' thing to do, but I don't remember specifics well enough to determine if it was me or not.)
having both succeeded quite handily and having royally fucked this up myself, my experience largely boils down to 'remember that the person on the other side of the screen is a human being'. When critiquing in person, it's a lot easier to be respectful, to temper your negative comments with positi…
Don't think specifically in terms of 'giving' a character 'flaws' like you're picking a list from a D&D handbook. You're not stapling a negative character trait onto an otherwise complete character. The positive and negative character trains a character has are defined by circumstance and wholly int…
[image] You are always improving, even if you don't realize it. Sometimes the thing that needs to improve isn't your ability to draw in and of itself, and that's not only okay, it's pretty much unavoidable. I can't speak to hating yourself, that's like a whole-ass other conversation, but when it…
Every penny I have earned for the past decade or so has been through the internet because I do commissions for a living, so... [image]
Fantasy intro schpiels. "In the year 1364 of the Caldean calendar, Duke Nerideth of the kingdom of Ansalor convinced King Ansalis XIV to invade the neighboring nation of Luriden..." blah blah blah I've read so many of these 'prologue chapters' that seem to think the most enticing way to introduc…
I'm not talking about your main characters, I'm talking pick a rando off the street or some minor side character: A bartender or innkeep they run into, a random soldier in the army, some farmer out in a field somewhere. Maybe the main characters cameo in the background somewhere along the way, but t…