Colliding By Design
Hello! I'm the creator of the comic "Colliding By Design"
Dreamt of doing something like this since I was a kid!
I'm happy to chat to anyone about things on here so feel free to drop me a message or something. I'll reply when I can!
- Joined
- Nov 11, '23
- Last Post
- Dec 30, '24
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- Jan 18
- Views
- 49
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[image] Little intro to a car chase episode in my comic
Hey @BellaTheCow Only just saw this!! Sure I'm more than happy to sub and help out! Thanks for the kind words about my comic! I really appreciate it!
Just to add to my original post, when it comes to curse words and swearing, where is the line drawn there too? I used the word "bastard" in an episode so I marked it mature.. but then was torn whether it was actually that bad. So how bad does a word have to be? Not planning of dropping F bombs …
My Chapter 1 finale went live!!
ok awesome!! thanks everyone this has been a massive help!
amazing!!!! I did wonder if my title was a little misleading. this has made my night lol thank you!!!
My goal for next year is to get at LEAST half of chapter 2 uploaded on here! It's a big one so it's gonna take a fair bit longer than my first chapter. Especially when I hopefully start my new job next year too!!
So, if I was to keep it like this, I wouldn't need to mark it as mature? Good to know as I only intend make it as implied as this! Thanks so much!! The help I've gotten from everything I've read here has been so great!!
Thanks for the replies it's actually pretty helpful! Here's what I have of said scene so far, what do you think? [image]
So in my first episode of my second chapter, there is a heavily implied scene however you can't see anything. Things are strategically hidden etc. Would that still trigger it to be considered as mature? I ask because one of my episodes was marked as mature and I lost a tonne of views for it.
Oh god dammit I didn't even think to use that!! Hah! Thanks for the help! I'll do that from now on! Yeah I'm using clip, I've seen that option so many times and never pressed it lol
So I've started my second chapter of my comic now and the episodes are likely to be quite a bit longer. I'm sure when I posted my chapter 1 finale I saw there is a 20mb cap which it was very close to. Just wondering what everyone else exports their comics at dpi and resolution wise and any tips …
Episode 12 is up! This is the penultimate episode of Chapter 1
"You speak of things you don't understand little cat..."
Here's my webcomic, last two episodes are scheduled and chapter 2 is in progress
Thanks ! How could I make it pop? I do have a layer behind it but I think it gets a little lost
Here it is!! [image]
Heeey it's been a minute since I posted on here but I've finally finished and scheduled the last episodes of Chapter 1!! The script for chapter 2 is nearly finished and I can't wait to start drawing the episodes for it!! The link for the comic is here: I hope to get the first episodes of Cha…
Been making slow progress on the main comic recently.. however I have been thinking alot about the prequel so this is a WIP of the cover [image]
I'm struggling with where some hair should go, also possibly the ear as well. She's pushing her hair out flirtatiously while a part still falls onto her face. I just have no idea where the hair needs to go over her hand and stuff.. If anyone could help with maybe some instruction that'd be aw…
I have subbed and will start reading!
Here's my webcomic I've been working on. Based on characters I made when I was young. A crazy event happens dragging in alternate versions of other characters into a dark alternate reality. [image]
Just updated! Still striving for those first 25 subs!
Episode 5 dropped today! Dane finds herself face to face with someone she'd really rather not be with
Here's my webcomic https://tapas.io/series/Colliding-By-Design/info
Episode 4 dropped today!! Scotch finds himself having an interesting encounter with a mysterious character
So I'm still only half way through chapter 1 for my comic.. however I've finished the script for chapter 1 now and am going to start on chapter 2! Here's the cover for that [image]