1524 / 1622
Dec 2024

My cover art for my new issue of nightmare heroes..... Im like 1/5 of the way finished of my issue but this cover is taking me a while.... :sob::sob::sob::weary::open_mouth::dash::open_mouth::dash::open_mouth::dash::open_mouth::dash::open_mouth::dash::open_mouth::dash::open_mouth::dash::open_mouth::dash::open_mouth::dash::weary::tired_face::tired_face::tired_face::tired_face::tired_face::tired_face:HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Working on some holiday art. I just have to color but I can’t decide whether to give her a santa hat or not. much to think about

Making something in Ibis Pain with my finger to prove that I can to myself

You definitely can. I couldn't do that with a pen and three days at my disposal lol

The skills you develop with a pen can translate to your finger :point_up:
Someday when I have a real phone that I can get Ibis on knowing how to use it will actually be useful.

Still working on my official Christmas card. I have been really sick since Saturday and it's been chaos with preparations, wrapping, cooking, cleaning, relatives, etc, so I wanted something chaotic in my card, lol. I'm just glad I got through it and had a good Christmas despite being unwell.
I'm pausing right here and getting some rest. It'll be the day after Christmas when I finish hopefully, but I'm glad I got something done since October. Better late than never!

Hew character intro! Meet Hunter. Fifteen years old, not a shapeshifter but not quite human either. Nobody, including him, knows what he is. This is just the rough colouring

Feeling much better since a few days ago. Should be 100% in a day or two. Progress going well on the Nativity episode/my comeback ep, got it all drafted. It's definitely gonna be a 2 or 3 part ep cause I threw in a little plot relevant stuff(facepalm), but I'm cutting out panels and bgs as I work so it's not too heavy a load for me. Might be a few more days until I get part 1 out, depending on what happens irl (and coloring, yeesh). For now, I'm really enjoying the grind post-burnout, feel like my old self again :smile: