
I'm JackOfArtAndProse. I write webcomic scripts(mostly fantasy, drama and/or comedy) and plan out my two biggest stories in the landscape of my mind.

Mar 22, '19
Last Post
Oct 4, '19
Oct 5, '19
Trust Level

Finally got started with a new writing style and a new-ish genre(as in, a genre that I'm not too familiar with). So, the story has teenagers, magical abilities, mysterious artifacts, mythology, SOME(no overemphasis here) high school woes, and more. I introduce to you... Bloodmare.

Dog-headed death-gods. ...wait.

I would also add that music isn't your top priority. Your comic is. So long as you can't put the necessary focus in the key things, you're constantly wasting energy instead of getting things further along. On the other hand, the moment you start working on your stuff and keep at it is when things te…

I would suggest not trying to reach perfection, but rather trying to learn enough to be able to consistently create good content. Consistent good content > bad content with a few spikes of "perfection". Also, read more English prose(as in, books). That will help you to see where to go with your writ…

@SAAK I would also suggest webcomic writing practice(as in, writing a few complete short scripts). While you will need to practice everything that goes into webcomic writing(panelling, dialogue, panel flow, etc. - youtube is your friend), practicing general script writing will help you see how story…

@JackOfArtAndProse I'm pretty sure the larger contention has been collaborators that use shared profit as an incentive when they have no history of profitability. And their tendency to conflate that with "paid" projects. I don't agree there's a gold standard for the amount of profit split, especiall…

That's perfectly alright. It looks like you're the humble type, so just take that stuff to heart and work on your writing until you can woo(and convince) artists with it. That's the best way to collaboration. Take it from someone who learned the hard way. :') PS: Also, if you just put your writing…

Usually, 50/50 share is a bit offensive to artists, and for a good reason. Artists do a bit more than writers(sometimes a lot more, it depends on what kind of responsibilities each side takes upon themselves), so 60/40 share in favour of artist is considered something of an arbitrary "golden standar…

My argument wasn't about the differences between the terms "anime" and "animation style", but eh. It's fine if the point doesn't get made. shrugs Plus, I hate arguing for its own sake.

That is a good point. So, I would argue that a good writer would create works that have wide appeal - not because they compromise on their vision, but because they create work that can appeal to multiple audiences. That's challenges, true - but a good writer/artist should be able to do that much, if…

Nah, that's not what I'm saying. I assume that Doki was referring to the general flow of anime, and how the conflict is usually based around battles and other high-octane conflict instead of low-scale conflict like small-time character drama or everyday life stuff. I was mostly referring to your c…

Anime does have its own writing style, actually. Much of screenwriting is dependent on the medium and the pacing of each episode/movie, so logic dictates that anime has its own writing style. Plus, anime it always(to some extent) inspired by the Japanese way of perceiving the world, which comes acro…

That might be too vague of a hashtag and might not incorporate Tapas folk well enough. Otherwise, I do agree that it's a good hashtag, but others might already be using it, so... Hmm...

I think the 3rd style has the most clarity, but like @Daknight said, a lot depends on what kind of story you're going for. I think that the third one would also fit a shounen-style story, especially if you make the face a bit less feminine-looking(that's assuming you're going for a male protagonist)…

With the exception of NSFW content(those can have their own channels) and spamming memes, perhaps.

shrugs At least you're honest about it.

Yeah, we are(artistically) what we consume. We write the kind of books that we consume, and we draw the kind of art we consume. Even with the stuff that we think we don't like - we still take some cues from them.

Mhm, and with Discord servers the crux of the idea is to get folks to interact. That requires some planning and action on the server creator's(and mods') part. I figure such a Discord server would work if we had a clear idea of what kind of help we can provide each other, and if we consistently keep…

My bad, my bad. But nonetheless, the general rule of what I said still stands: I think that you're accustomed to high stakes stories and thus, conflicts that are physical, instead of (perhaps) making your conflicts about character relationships and something intangible, perhaps thematic qualities. I…

Ah, I get it now. Thank you for explaining. That tag idea might not be a bad one. Especially if we all make at least one post with the tag and our project, so that people can utilize it. That said, people outside Tapas forums would have no idea what those tags are about, unless they're clear enoug…

Also, start reading more prose. That is the key to just about everything well writing prose. And read far and wide, not just in your favourite genre.

My writing is VERY anime-inspired, but when I started writing my original novels my approach eventually shifted into what @DiegoPalacios is suggesting: utilize shorter moments of action at VERY KEY moments of the story to bring gravitas to your storytelling. Other than for those moments, utilize dif…

Just goes to show how much power mass media has over the average mind.

No offence taken. And I appreciate your apology. :smiley:

"Regarding vegans"? I would like to state that what you said isn't necessarily something that can be generally applied to all vegans. I'm a vegan, and yet your comment rings true to me. However, there are always... extremists who want to make things bad for both sides of any verbal or physical alter…

Also, the sad thing here is that if a vegan who hasn't consumed meat in a long time eats meat(accidentally, more likely than not), it can be VERY hazardous for them. Their body wont be able to digest it, as it lacks the required gut bacteria. Imagine having chunks of undigested, tough and sinewy mea…

I think it's the fanatical people that we always have to watch out for(vegan or meat eater, it matters not). Intelligent folk who are able to have verbal discourse without letting it become emotionally charged seem to be the best folk to be around.

I would add that what you said is especially important in the context of our Tapas community. If we can't be happy when one of "our own" succeeds, how could we be happy when a stranger makes it? And if we can't be happy when one of "our own" succeeds, we really have deep-rooted envy issues and need …

Just asking for clarification: who is going to find those hashtags, and what will they do? I'm somewhat confused.

For those among of us who feel cooperative and want to encourage each other to actually reach the next level in doing this stuff for a living, what can we do to bring out the best in each other, for the sake of commercial marketability? What practical steps could be taken, and are we ready to commit…