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- Jul 12, '21
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- Sep 20, '21
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[image] My cover depicts 21st Century Architecture and Environmental Issues* *(not really)
Thanks very much for the post jensrichard77. This is a story long planned out in my head and on notepads that I recently crash-coursed some comic illustration courses to get out there. Yes, the Manga content is great but also very well catered for, tbh I wasn't, and am still not convinced Tapas and …
Huge story ahead. Comments/Subs very welcome. MVU - Episode 01
2nd part of my Intro coming up, 1st revision of style I'm working on. Slow progress with other things holding me up but take a look M.V.U [image]
It's (rather rushed) announcement but I'm up for scifi story discussion/referrals on mine and anyone elses strip. I'm lacking time currently to organise forum stuff properly so I'll probably be posting the wrong stuff in the wrong forums so bear with me, but other scifi/darker comics seem to be thin…
Brand new, long in the making, prologue/preview to view. Discussion welcome. M.V.U
Story scripted, characters under design, art style just about nailed, hope to get more added to this scfi-noir thriller as and when. Comments welcome. M.V.U
Hey cyglyce, really like that comic style, visually and in content. See, I'm one of the older ones here at 54 but also I'm simply not a HUGE comic fan. I like them, I enjoy the differing artwork but I'm a bit selective in my reading interests, so how to work that to my advantage. I've worked in med…
Hi all, quick intro as I've just posted an image of mine on a thread so maybe I should do this properly. I've illustrated some book covers and am generally involved in various aspects of media but finally decided to itch that scratch and create the comic/novel I've always wanted to make. To that end…
1st post here, not found time for intro but saw the title and, well, here's something I just finished while practising some comic style work.If you remember this guy do jump in. [image]