6 / 18
Jul 2021

Hi, everyone,

We can share here our book cover/book covers of our comic/novel and will give our comments. Let's follow the format below:

  1. What's your first impression?
  2. What do you like about the book cover?
  3. What advice and suggestions you have for the book cover?
  4. What do you think is the genre of the story based on the book cover?
  5. Did the book cover made you want to read the story?

I'll be giving out my comments to some creators who posted their book covers here. Other creators might give their comments to yours​:sparkles:

Thank you so much for those who gave their comments on my book cover. I appreciate it a lot. I believe I already earned enough comments for my book cover so thank you so much. :sparkling_heart:
I'll be commenting on your book covers during the weekend because of my new work. My free time is during the weekend.:sparkling_heart:

Also, bonus, you can share your favorite book cover/covers from other creators if you like.

Here are some of my favorite book covers:

  • created

    Jul '21
  • last reply

    Jul '21
  • 17


  • 599


  • 16


  • 3


  • 10


I would love to get some input on my new, updated cover for Shackles! :blush:

To answer for your book cover:
1. My first impression is that it's a romance between these 2 characters. :wink:
2. I like their poses and how the woman's hair frames the surroundings
3. The purple background doesn't seem to gel very well with the characters. Maybe some texture and a more mellow color? Also the title doesn't stand out much since it's pretty small and it's grey in color. The Story by and Art by subtitles can be put below instead.
4. Oh, romance for sure. :joy:
5. I don't really read romance, personally. So my opinion is a bit biased. :stuck_out_tongue: But if the background is changed to some interesting setting, maybe!

I checked out Jackyart93 on Instagram. She's quite the artist.

What's your first impression?
When I look at covers. I think influences. I can see the different mangaka Jacky likes in the art she does. Reminds me so much of the covers of the novellas I saw while living in Japan.

What do you like about the book cover?
The colors of the art. The colors just freakin pop in this picture.

BUT due to my eyesight, the title font and the font for story and art is hard for me to read. The purple of the text and the purple shading in the sakura are on the same spectrum, you just turned the wheel a bit, and are too close in shade colours.

What advice and suggestions you have for the book cover?
The colors of the font.
See above.

What do you think is the genre of the story based on the book cover?

Did the book cover made you want to read the story?
As I am talking to you I will check it out but I don't really read romance novels. I think the last romance I read was by Sydney Sheldon (sands of time) in like 1993 :grin:

Check out my work.

For the OP:
First impressions: This is a romance story through and through. The loving gaze and intimate position makes that super clear. Either that or these two have a very close bond with each other.

What I like: Colors are very easy on the eyes. The plant/pendant/object in the middle is clearly important since it's highlighted.

Advice/Suggestions: A slightly more dynamic pose could be interesting. Admittedly, it looks very box standard. Or even a more striking image of the two that could reference/allude to a moment in the story could help this cover stand out.

What Genre: Romance / Drama

Would I read?: I would keep a note of it, admittedly it's not my preferred genre, but I'm always open to try everything.

I'll post my soon-to-be updated cover too.

For OP:

What's your first impression?

It strikes me as a magical fantasy/adventure with a romance (?) implied aspect!

What do you like about the book cover?

The color palette is inviting and nice, it definitely looks great and the character design (as far as I can tell as someone who hasn't drawn before) are pretty good.

What advice and suggestions you have for the book cover?

None; I think it's well done enough to fit in with other trending stories.

What do you think is the genre of the story based on the book cover?

It still strikes me as a fantasy/adventure with that romance aspect.

Did the book cover make you want to read the story?

It definitely does!

For Dialusion:

What's your first impression?

It strikes me as an action-themed story (it brings up a lot of Yugioh/similar summoning show themes to mind.

What do you like about the book cover?

I think it does a great job of showing what to expect in concerns to the story; the split panels for each character (hieroglyphs and monster), the little devices on their arm, and their expression really sell that it's going to be exciting and action-packed.

What advice and suggestions you have for the book cover?

None; it's very well done!

What do you think is the genre of the story based on the book cover?

I think it's action/fantasy, potentially with a fantasy aspect based on the more magical (?) details.

Did the book cover make you want to read the story?

Personally, I'm not one for very action-based stories, but I recognize it would definitely be popular with another crowd.

My cover:

For @emil_k

What's your first impression?

It looks like a professionally done book cover.

What do you like about the book cover?

I like the color scheme and the fact that it doesn't have a lot of detail. The asymmetry draws my attention to the title.

What advice and suggestions you have for the book cover?


What do you think is the genre of the story based on the book cover?

I'm thinking fantasy/romance adventure because of the prevalence of flowers and the title.

Did the book cover make you want to read the story?

Yes, I'm really interested to find out what the story is about.

Now here's mine:

Here's my cover

OP @Dialusion
What's your first impression? I looks nice
What do you like about the book cover? It reminds me of Yugioh dual monster.
What advice and suggestions you have for the book cover? The checkered line in the middle is quiet distracting, if it's not an important per of the story maybe remove it or use something else.
What do you think is the genre of the story based on the book cover? I would guess fantasy/action
Did the book cover made you want to read the story? No because it's not really my cup of tea, but I can se how other might like it

Here's mine. Have fun:

What's your first impression? It looks very on-brand for Tapas. That's a good thing!
What do you like about the book cover? I love the bold gold against a purple backdrop. It really makes the character pop out.
What advice and suggestions you have for the book cover? The beautiful details may get muddied if viewed on a tiny screen.
What do you think is the genre of the story based on the book cover? Fantasy/mystery, maybe magical girl
Did the book cover make you want to read the story? I'd definitely give the description a read to see if I was interested, so the cover has done it's job of hooking me.

* What's your first impression? It looks really nice, quite professional. I feel like you could see something similar in a bookshop.
* What do you like about the book cover? The colours! I like how they complement the characters.
* What advice and suggestions you have for the book cover? None. Besides, I am no artist, so I feel, that I am not in a position to even give one in the first place.
* What do you think is the genre of the story based on the book cover? Fantasy with star crossed lovers.
* Did the book cover make you want to read the story? I am quite intrigued, so I may give it a read.

You can tell mine is done by a non profecional on Paint and Canva