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In my True Face series I often do derp faces (with dot eyes and simplified features) to strenthen the expression/emotion and/or for comedic purposes An example of normal vs derp:
[image] [image]
Aside from drawing style, on occasion I use different fonts for some lines or some characters (you kn…
Portrait of my OC Samantha [image]
The comparison is super fun when the page was supposed to look intense/dramatic Here are some examples from my "True Face" series:
I'm not familiar with the series, so 100% coincidence Thank you though, I may check it out!
A gift drawing for my friend
Mainly a comedy, but also has action in it
I've started my ninja comics in February 2013, although current "True Face" (that's a direct continuation) series started in August 2015. I wouldn't say that it was 9 full years of working on it as I had a few longer breaks inbetween. Because of that, it's fun to see how the art style changes betwee…
If you're looking for a series with some action and mystery, but a lot of comedy with fully fleshed out, flawed characters then "True Face" may be something just for you! Hop right into this absurd story about ninjas in modern times, located in post-industrial European city. [image]
Not sure if he's necessary bigger than my main characters, but definitely unexpected blow up was mah boi Tsui Li - a tall, cold-hearted and very calculating ninja engineer. He appeared so far in only one(!) scene in my series so far yet he earned himself unbelievable amount of fanart and fanboys/fan…
Beginnings are always the hardest, wish you best luck in your artistic journey. With lots of practice and persistance you'll eventually move towards a direction that satisfies you
If you're still looking for practice, maybe some of my characters from my comics series will catch your eye ^^ https:…
I post Polish version on webtoons and deviantArt - the second mostly because I've gained some audience over last few years and they just stayed around, can't recommend it as a viable comics-sharing site otherwise. I also post on Polish comic website webkomiksy.pl which is a relatively new and small …
Thanks! It was quite a while ago so I may not remember best, but I'd say about an hour or two. I don't think it affects other pages that much, but I'll leave that to judge for yourself
This scenery begins in "Before the Master Comes" and reappears in the end of "To kill or not to kill" episod…
I'm not very good at drawing complex architecture, but since I like to walk around old post-industrial places and take a lot of photos, I sometimes use them in my comics backgrounds I have a very painting-ish artstyle so I can easily blend photos with my drawings by using some filters and overpaint…
I'm a native Polish speaker and I translate my comics to English (so that they have a potential of reaching non-Poles, also so my non-Polish friends could read it too). It probably depends on the language and your specific luck/circumstances, but I've noticed it's way easier for me to reach Polish a…
Oh wow that's a really in depth interpretation! I really enjoyed reading it ^^ You pretty much nailed all the main themes hidden in this cover and I'd say none of them are a stretch I'm happy you even caught the more subtle nature vs industrial theme that, while being in the background of the story…
I'm really happy with this page which was a combination of a photo I took with painting - I've managed to blend it pretty well into my style so it doesn't look very "off" [image]
Another one would be this short scene below - having it almost monochrome allowed me to go a bit more crazy than usua…
I've always liked telling stories - back in the day gave my shot at writing novels, but I've always been better with visuals than words and descriptions Ideally I'd love to animate it all, but considering that making a 2-3 minute animation could take me months (+ I'd have to cut down on quality of …
Mine is an action-comedy (with a bit of an adult angle) about a group of ninjas in a modern post-industrial European setting.
Originally I've started my comics series back in 2015 so after a few years in 2021 I've decided it deserves a fresh new better cover So here it is:
The series:
That's some dope art, op! I'm drawing my comics OCs a lot, have some of my recent illustrations ^^ More can be found on my instagram or deviantArt page (@kanahaniart in both places).
[image] [image] [image] [image] [image]
Just added a new episode after a longer break
Hi there, If you're looking for some absurd comedy with a bit of action sprinkled in, I think you may like my series "True Face" is an ongoing story I'm drawing in my spare time as a hobby project. I like making complicated 3-dimensional characters with flaws, as well as giving their actions meanin…