14 / 16
May 2022

You guys ever had a character that you didn't expect would be the most popular one? Even bigger than your protagonist?

Okay so context; I did a survey and I found out D was the popular one. Naota wasn't even voted on.

When you think about it, I could take advantage of this and make him the straight man since we're gonna be following isekaiers. Looking back, he's the most relatable character. He has anxiety. He's a bag of nerves. He strives to be something more. He has a heart of gold.

There's no way in HELL people can relate with Naota lmao.

Nikado is the second most popular character. I'm hoping to make him the Seto Kaiba of the comic. I think that's a given since he's the antagonist and he did his job well in the Dodgeball Arc.

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Well the one character that I initially didn't think would be so loved by many is Cate (though in hindsight it becomes more obvious)

Initially she was a one-off character for the mc to show his skills against, as the first foe so to speak. But I kept her around for somewhat longer and she started to grow on me, so she kind of made her way into the story as more than a side character. Maybe the way she differs from the other characters in that regard is why people like her.

Or probably just cuz she is a cute female character, I dunno

Never done a survey like this, (Though I've considered it) but based on several comments, I think the most popular character would be either AJ, or Libby.

However, most people who've claimed Libby as their favorite, which has been the majority, were only in the beginning of the story, and she's changed a LOT since then, so it'd be hard to say weather people later in the story still feel the same. But from the info I currently have, Libby is the fan favorite.

For me it's Jerzy, though it's quite obvious now when I think about it. I think I didn't expect it mostly because I myself usually like side characters the most. Also, I kinda thought it would be more even with favourite characters, but so far everyone who told me who their fav is chose Jerzy. Sometimes it's Jerzy and someone else, but there's always him :smiley:
... or maybe readers who like Jerzy the most are just the most vocal about it.

I'm gonna pretend to be surprised people like the villain more than the protagonist. But fr he is one of the most interesting characters (and there's lots to be revealed about him as well)

I think it's also because people are super suspicious of him since he's clearly got some ulterior motives, but he just hasn't shown the really cruel side of himself yet. I've never tried to hide that he's the villain, so people are just waiting to see what he's planning to do.

Oooh suspense~

I wouldn't know who the most popular character is, but Mia got more attention than I expected. I always worried that she had too much in common with other characters or was too normal to stand out, but maybe the latter is why people like her? She's the straight man (though she's neither of those things LOL), the relatable one. Her presence grounds the other's slightly weirder personalities to some sort of reality.

Also her hair's pretty. I love drawing it.

Poor girl's just straight up not having a good time in most of these.

I'd paste some quotes from her, but her most character-defining moments are usually in the narration.

He seemed eager to get to know her, but she was eager to not be known.


Mia set her book down and gave up any hope that this conversation would end soon. Couldn’t a girl read about astrogeology in peace?


Spending time with people she didn’t completely hate, not saddled with anyone else’s responsibilities, and doing so under a gentle breeze and the summer sun, Mia found herself having fun. Was this living the Earth Girl lifestyle or just how it felt to not miss out on a social life? She couldn’t know, but it felt so pleasant it started to scare her. When would it all go wrong?

Must ... resist urge ... to make joke about literal explosions and spoilers for a certain JRPG I went through a while ago ...

I actually never expected my main character's popularity, as I think I of him as rather plain and has shit personality that he would never be popular. He always manages to get on top 3 on popularity polls. I won't be surprised if it won't last in the future, due to his personality.

Not "blow up" per se but this character only appears for 2 chapters and ranked third in the last popularity poll (compared to characters that have appeared in 40+ chapters, that's an accomplishment). He isn't particularly good-looking, or have a great personality—but I draw him a lot outside the series so there's that

I do popularity polls for almost every 10 chapters

My own comic is still in the early stages and most of the cast has not been introduced yet, so I'm very curious to see how people respond to them. I have some guesses as to who will 'blow up', but we'll see haha :smile:

So far, according to the one tiny poll I took, Nora is my most popular character. Not at all surprising to me.

She's in the spotlight for the majority of the introduction. Being young, inexperienced, and in need of guidance and protection, I felt hers was a good POV to start with that readers could more easily insert themselves into and relate to, as they're new to the world as well. She's easy to figure out and understand as a character, and she's simple and straightforward for the most part:

An underdog with a fiery, passionate personality who makes her motivations and fears known right off the bat (She wants to follow in her older siblings' footsteps, be useful to them, and make them proud of her. She's afraid that she'll be a burden to them and never get stronger). Fear of failure and a desire for acceptance are both pretty universally relatable.

I'm not surprised that D is a favorite in Stick Figure Isekai either. Since he's not an Isekaier with a quirky, eccentric personality like Naota's- but just a normal kid with normal desires, he's more relatable. I also think there's just something nigh-universally appealing about flawed, underdog/average characters, especially in the early stages of a story. Give them a dream and some drive, and they can become very likeable.

@AlydaB Most likely the reason why Shonen characters are popular when you think about it. Just the wide-eyed nature of the protags and them learning more about the world alongside you.

@smokesalty I think I'm coming to accept that villains will probably be more popular than the protagonist lmao. Like I mentioned with shonen character's being naive, it's also interesting to see what makes them tick. The villains most likely know more about the world than the protag does (especially yours), so it's interesting to see how they became the way they are today.

@bronte448 I think I'll use anime D again. Especially with this arc where he's the protagonist.

@bulgariansumo I love her hair too lmao.

@DasIstWunderblyat Naota would be jealous :v

Honestly this has happened to a character from a comic that's never seemed to be able to get off the ground due to one reason or another: Selena Stormbringer from my long in development hell comic and setting the Dragoons!

She was originally going to be a side character to the main protagonist Flare, but due to the fact I found her a lot easier to write for than Flare initially and the fact a lot of people really seemed to like her a lot in general, she eventually ended up being the main protagonist/perspective character for the story with Flare taking a more secondary role in later drafts as of now.

Not sure if he's necessary bigger than my main characters, but definitely unexpected blow up was mah boi Tsui Li - a tall, cold-hearted and very calculating ninja engineer. He appeared so far in only one(!) scene in my series so far yet he earned himself unbelievable amount of fanart and fanboys/fangirls/fanpersons alike :'D What is even more funny, some of those fans didn't even read the comics, they just saw fanart of the character and became fans of him. He's been shipped and memed to death, it's absolutely hilarious and I love it. Here he is:

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closed Jun 24, '22

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