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- Sep 11, '18
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- Apr 19, '21
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- May 24, '23
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My most recent piece! [image]
So... my comic essentially came to be was because I had a bit of a spider problem in my apartment... You can read the whole story here:
Haha agreed!!! I especially like when each chapter has connected thumbnails for that particular chapter!
I'm back!!! [image] https://tapas.io/episode/2131392
[image] @skicoak How did you know I would be lurking around? Lol Hey Guys! I have resurfaced from the dead and I am working on getting my comic back on it's feet! So without further adieu... Meet Alice Webster, a quirky but shy Librarian who has just been thrown violently out of her comfort z…
Hello, I am getting back into working on my comic again! Alice the librarian was living an ordinary, uneventful life until Friday April the 13th. That was the day that changed everything and through an precipitous chain of events she became the Arachnid Slayer. Come join Alice as she awkwardly …
I have about 85 episodes (https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/the-librarian-arachnid-slayer/list?title_no=209825) The basic plot would still stay the same, but a lot of the world would change ( I didn't do enough concept art to differentiate the different kingdoms/ cultures) I also feel like I cou…
I love posting behind the scenes content! Here is one of my early episodes where I did that: https://tapas.io/episode/1197886
I am struggling with this as well! I have been on hiatus for about 6 months and during this time I was doing a lot of worldbuilding in the background. I started my comic on the ground running with almost no planning because of competition and now that I am looking back there are soo many elements th…
Thanks for the share @rmdooley ! Here are some others since I can't mention my own: (I really like the style once you hit chp. 3)
I have returned!!!! I thought a recap would be much appreciated: Can't wait to start Book 2 soon!
[image] Happy Halloween!
[image] Still on hiatus - but couldn't resist a Halloween post!
I can't believe it I'm on the front page of Webtoons again! But also on hiatus... worst timing ever on my part! [image] (Thats me bottom left)
Drop and L and shuffle for SILK
I use my ipad pro, and I previously had a cintiq and before that I had an intuous pro (or something along those lines), so I've used screened tablets for the majority of my digital time but I did start out with a non-screened one.
There is only one type available so yes, you can put a new nib on when it wears out, it is pretty easy just screws on - for me they last about 6-8 months on average so not too bad!
That is definitely one thing that I miss about my Wacom stylus... to my knowledge there is only one type of nib for the Apple Pencil. But you still can't quite match a good quality ink dip pen or brush. Like any medium there is definitely a learning curve - I wouldn't be too worried about tha…
Yeah..looking back I really didn't get the best art education - unfortunately I kept getting placed in the 'bad' art teacher's class and I think I missed out on a lot. College helped expand my knowledge, but didn't' quite disrupt the bad foundation that had been laid. I love traditional inking…
I think thats why I get stuck trying to doodle digitally because my subconscious equates digital with final product - so even when I try to draw aimlessly there is a voice in the back of my head going " nope" not good" "ERASE" UNDO!!!!!" lol so I have trouble shutting that off and just letting the…
Oddly I think the lack of permanency is what holds me back digitally sometimes - it is much easier to keep hitting ctrl + z, where as with pen and ink there is no undo so you fudge up a line then you have to make it work.. Very true about the layers though!
Totally fair - I spent a lot more years working traditionally before I transitioned to digital. I know the Apple Pencil has forever ruined all pens for me. However I fill out a lot of paper work/ order forms during the day for my work so regular pens still feel pretty natural in my hand Ye…
For all my digital artist out there I have a question for you... Do you find it more challenging to doodle digitally vs. traditionally? I dunno why but when I pick up a pen I can aimlessly doodle on paper for hours - but when I attempt to do the same digitally I just can't... I seem to have a me…
No problem
There was already a thread about this not too long ago you can find more here:
Soo.the timing of this just makes me laugh I swear this thread has brought bad luck upon me.. looking at you @DokiDokiTsuna
I legit haven't seen a spider in my apartment since last winter ( we live on the top floor - so not many spiders get up there to begin with ). Then last night there was a s…
Fair enough - yes I do plan to let them know why I will be be going on hiatus - and that at this point I don't have a clear date for coming back, but I definitely want to keep my readers updated. So I guess, yes the most important thing is being honest and keeping communication open. No worries! …
Thank you @Chita ! That means a lot! Btw I will be answering your question with the Q&A episode tomorrow! We weren't planning to move until next summer so I thought I would have a lot more time to prepare - but sometimes life just throws you a curve ball! Aww thank you soo much! I really …
I'm always terrified they'll drop on my head!
Here is the latest one: [image]