

Though I get where you're coming from and it sounds like a book that would help a lot, but keep in mind soliciting pirated versions of works is probably not the best in this forum. If you want some extra help with webtoons, have you checked out this playlist? Youtube is actually a pretty good plac…

This one is for my comic. I'm trying to make panels that have a lot of talking larger and a bit more interesting to look at (I'll eventually paint in a pretty background). So far it's taken me about an hour. I sketch out the figures as shapes (drawing a spine line first) then I'll turn the opacity…

Your welcome! To be honest, you made a very close replica of said brush. I believe that with a few tweaks you can even have a better result, but hey no need to rush!

At first glance this seems to be the average ol' classic round brush to me. What I seem to notice is that there are a lot of plays of lines and solid usage of black shadows and high-contrast. At the same time that there are quite the change of the brush size to make details and other things. But…

All digital shortcuts: 1: Don't use separate thumbnails. Just zoom out and make the page smaller. Then zoom back in to fill them out. 2: If you use a sketch layer for pencils, don't make a finish product that you have to trace over completely with your inks. Keep it simple. "the hair goes here" and …

I recommend saving a bunch of assets. Like bgs, sfx, linework, etc. A few of my bgs are just assets I made months ago that I can just plant into the comic. Also through the asset store, you can probably find something that works to save time for you. Like a leaves brush or a rock brush or even a …

I work on pages in pairs, often use 3D reference or straight up trace 3D models or royalty free stock photos for backgrounds and hard props like cars, and will copy-paste inks of those if I can reuse the same angle. I only draw about 1-2 backgrounds per page if I can help it, using flat colours fo…

I work on 4-6 pages at a time and streamline each process (lineart for all pages, then flats for all pages and so on) Also, having good references saves you ton of time googling and figuring out anatomy. I'm on a crusade to tell every artist to just get a tripod and take your own dang references!

I don't do lineart (i.e. I don't clean up my sketch and just use that as my inks) :stuck_out_tongue: (Also, doing all my colouring on one layer actually saves me time because I use Medibang on mobile so switching layers is actually more time-consuming that switching colours XD)