Mar 4, '20
Last Post
Aug 7, '20
Aug 26, '20
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Hi fellow rock band BL comic artist :smiley: Yeah I feel like I am sabotaging myself by not wanting to conform to the standard. I have been into webcomics for a long time (close to ten years) So I'm desperately clamping on to the standard comic format and black-and-white look. I didn't think it would be tha…

I guess I'm just comparing myself too much to others (the struggle of every artist I guess). Now that you mention it, the most popular comics have been going for quite some time. I just wanted to know if I was doing something wrong. And you're probably right about the colors :sweat_smile: I don't know if I'm rea…

Yes, I'm serious. I know that making a BL comic is basically playing the webcomic game on easy mode, but if that were really true, where are my 100K subscrbers? Just kidding :wink: If I really wanted to be that popular, I would just make a cutesy, colorful slice of life comic with annoyingly adorable …

Wow dan wonen wij heel dicht bij elkaar :scream: Ik woon niet in Tilburg maar wel in de buurt :laughing:

Ahh dit gaat de goeie kant op jongens :sunglasses:

I started with my first webcomic at 16 too, and I was also bad at anatomy, backgrounds, etc. But drawing comics has improved my art faster than anything ever has. At the end of the comic, my artstyle was completely unrecognisable in comparison to the first pages. So, do it!!! I believe in you!

Okay, so I have this guitar [image] And I was like: What if this guitar was a dude? [image] It's a metal guitar from a Japanese brand, so a J-rock artist it is! And then I gave him a band and a story, and voila :joy:

Haha yes I drew waaay too long torsos until someone commented on it and I learned my lesson :sweat_smile: The hair is partially just my style developement but he was also supposed to look more wimpy with the bowlcut in the beginning than he does now :laughing:

All rightie [image][image] Half a year of improvement since I started this comic :blush: [image][image] Also made this redraw recently, this is 8 years difference :laughing:

I wanted to practice arm and torso anatomy through animating, it was actually really helpful! [image]

Ik dacht juist dat ik geen enkele Nederlander tegen zou komen :smirk: Maar ja van de andere kant, wij laten altijd graag weten dat we bestaan :joy:

I agree with all the feedback that darthmongoose has given. I want to add that you are using a lot of panels on a single page, which makes it kind of overwhelming. I personally am a big fan of efficiency, which in this case means that you have to use less panels and be smarter about what you show in…

Invader Zim!! The first fandom I was ever in and it has ruined me ever since xD

OMG SAME HERE! What the hell... So last month I got like 8K subs for some reason, but now I haven't gained a single subscriber for almost two weeks and my views per update are ten times less than normal as well, while I still upload the same amount. I thought I was doing something wrong... Edit: Wel…

For me it's the pacing. Look, if I had all the time in the world I would defenitely improve it, but unfortunately I don't have a lot of free time to make my comic and I also don't want to let my readers wait for an eternity for the story to progress, so I tend to rush through some parts.

I did not expect this at all, it's such a blatant Webtoon ripoff that it's not even funny. When this happened to Smackjeeves like a month ago I left the site immediately.