

Mar 30, '23
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Apr 1, '23
Apr 12, '23
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I don't necessarily have certain inspirations. But I go on pinterest and look at manhwa panels some times just to get an idea of some cool things that could work in my novel. But here are some manga stories/manhwa stories that inspire me sometimes God Of Highschool Omniscient Readers Viewpoint …

You ever just have a good idea for a novel or a uh type of story, you try and go through with it and just see something else you like and wanna add something similar to that thing you liked but your story doesn't allow that and you just start going to work on a new story or som, I need to know im no…

Why, hello there you beautiful community! I am currently working on a story that is mainly action. It takes the concept of superheroes and twists them around with this web novel. this is my first ever web novel, so you may scroll past this if you wish, as I am unable to currently present previous wo…

Ah, thank you! That gives me an idea, maybe I can call it CORE Blight? (CORE is the organization the MC was scouted into after discovering the abyssal core, since the group is made of Blights to stop saviours from getting the abyssal core and such) or maybe the reverse Blight Core?

You see, I would use Abyssal Core, but thinking about it in some ways, it doesn't really roll off the tongue, and I want something that's more catchy with my names, yk? But thanks for the recommendations!

Novel Naming Help! Alright, hello! I am currently working on my first ever novel! It's about how the side of justice, superheroes to say is twisted and uses that position for their own corrupt purposes and such, with some mystery about how the powers first came to exist. Well! I would really like…

Wowsers, such a good accomplishment! Happy for you! ^^