


Twoony. 26. Full time procrastinator.

I definitely prefer comics in color and 100% admit that I'm spoiled by color at this point. Usually I only like black and white when it fits with the tone of the story, so perhaps it's a bit more sad or realistic to real l life as I find that it really sets the mood. However, nine times out of ten I…

Coming from a reader's perspective, I wouldn't like notes in the body of the chapter. I think it looks really unprofessional and ruins the immersion. If the notes are left in the actual author note section where it is separated from the body then I support that as a reader and an author. I always le…

I think this depends on the situation. If you wish to grow your audience, Tapas rewards frequent updates, possibly two or three times a week. Since many readers do consume content while on the go or on their phone, it's easier for them to read shorter chapters. However, I've actually been hit by qui…

I'm supposed to be writing the aftermath of an argument with supportive friends giving advice on how to move forward, but I'm debating watching TV instead lol

Keep writing. It'd be no different than the time I started and had none of that. I write for my own enjoyment as well as reader's. I'd be really sad about losing my friends though D: that aspect would upset me the most >.<

Thank you. Luckily, I haven't heard from that person again (unless they made another account and I don't know it.) I'm much better now ^_^

I actually work best in dead silence, which is probably why I write best between 3-8am. Luckily I work from home so I can do that lol I also make as I'm writing, if someone is asking a question I'll tilt my head like how I think they would or move my lips as if I'm asking. Um...I also u…

I can say as a creator, it may also come from past experiences. I have no issue with shipping, but rather the actions of the reader about that shipping. Harmless shipping is fine, a few comments here or there about how it's cute or something, but when a creator is constantly bombarded or even attack…

Lol I admit I only watch Overwatch League in terms of esports since that is about the only game I regularly play. I'm a Shanghai Dragons fan myself ^^

Sorry this is late lol Gladiators won

Not sure if it's a side book since I never read the Cinder series. I understand what's going on so I'm going to assume it isn't? lol It plays with the ideas of heroes and villains. There's superheroes and stuff.

"This is going to be a long trip."

I'm currently reading Renegades by Marissa Meyer.

By this point, my job is writing. I have work here on Tapas that's premium plus free to read novels on multiple sites. I have a patreon and works up on amazon. However, before I started actually working towards writing full time, I posted stories because it was simply fun and engaging. I never thoug…

Watching Overwatch League ^^

I'm not a webcomic artist but I am a writer so I can say that there have been plenty of times I have felt inferior and looked onto others with, what I thought to be, jealousy but...I think you need to realize that these people are also/actually your idols and aspirations. You are "jealous" of them f…

I love holidays in general, just for different reasons. Halloween and Christmas are tied for favorite because Halloween is one I spend with friends. Even if it isn't on Halloween itself, the month tends to be about us getting costumes, watching horror movies, maybe having a get together or two and, …

Oooooh, so happy to see What He Hides in here! Hey, you should know I'm evil by now! XD

Mine is 100% based on their personality! My character Aron is really uh energetic? Lol but he is a Prince so he would write "properly" yet it would still hold a very open feeling. I imagine there would be very big letters with open circles and difference in pressure points depending on how hard he's…

Popularity plays a role but I certainly don't think it's as big of a factor as people think. Tapas has a huge platform filled with creators. The amount of comics uploaded are huge and there's times where I'm like, "How did I not see this comic before? How did I not read this story?" There's just a l…

I honestly think it's different for everyone but, personally, I feel it has a lot do with genre for me. Comedies and romance I expect a more light hearted feel with an emphasis on feelings and people rather than expansive paragraphs describing every little detail. However, fantasy or adventure I exp…

I got obsessed with the band LM.C and their song Chemical King-Twoon. Originally that was my username on a site but a friend started calling me Twoony for short. Then others called me Twoony and I really liked it so I kept it. :smile:

I saw the first comment mentioning that it's normally a package deal, which I also believe in. Normally a creators views, feelings etc. are mirrored in their work. If I don't like/agree with those feelings then I dislike the story. I also find myself more attracted to stories with creators who engag…

A little late but I did finish on time with 15 minutes to spare xD WOOHOO!

It doesn't bother me so long as the character has flaws that make them human. I hate when "the chosen one" is perfect in every way because that's unrealistic, they still need to grow and EARN that title rather than just be told they have it. I currently have a story that I did for NaNo where my lead…

Nice!! I'm very excited and I shall (figuratively) shout about it lol

Managed to hit 31K but only got, what, 4 days left? I feel a little screwed but I'm gonna try my best xD

Yes, you will eventually get a bad comment that is essentially just trolling. There's a difference between criticism and being rude that sometimes people can cross very easily but don't always mean to. However, if someone honestly just leaves a, "you suck" comment than they are just trolling, ignore…

I hit 25K last night and now I have to write another 25K in, what? 8 days? HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA overdoses on caffeine & dies