Wizard Watson
Ohio deviantart.com/stoneman123
Electrical engineer by day, bumbling dilettante and would-be Renaissance man by night. Possibly a straight, cisgender white man, DEFINITELY a wizard.
Writer and Artist of "Nyctoplasm," a portal fantasy comic. Updates every Sunday.
Here's mine! I hope u enjoy it ^^
We are here to take you on a trip you will never forget!
If you like animal people, rural fantasy settings and coming-of-age story, then this might interest you.
https://tapas.io/series/Oi Check out my comic about bards, druids and witches
Thanks for the thread! Your comic seems really cool, and I'll definitely check it out! Here's mine! It's a supernatural mystery about two siblings uncovering the dark secrets of the world they live in.
hiii, this is my first time on forum and I haven't quite figured out how it works. so my comic is a drama and fantasy series . It's about a boy who finds out about a broken abondened factory . (also please tell me how forum works I have been here for hours but don't know what I am doing) link:- h…
Sounds fair. I'll take a look. [:smile_01:]
Your comic loocks interesting! I intend to read it as soon as possible! Could you read my novel and tell me what you think about it?
Thank you for this thread. If you have time, I'll thank you to look over any of our works:
Hi! Can you please check out "World of Crave - Exposed" on Tapas
It is a post apocalyptic story about two sexy young girls lost in a doomed world of cannibals. Please check it out ️
Hey Potato art! Just a heads up, if you put /info at the end of the link you get the nice preview, like this: I'll check out your work!
sounds fair enough, no point on introductions then
Here's my character study novel, if you're interested
Dead human tries fixing an invisible fence in Purgatory.
I have two series I wouldn't mind getting looked at. ^^
Wow! Thank you so much. I hadn't even thought about some of this stuff so this is really helpful! I write my novel without much of a plan and just write as I go along so drawing and planning a comic looks a lot different and a lot more difficult. [:cry_01:]
(Reposting this because my link decided to flop) It’s always refreshing to find someone else who shares the “not forcing enthusiasm” mentality. If nothing else, you’ve at least got my respect. Your comic seems like it might be something to my liking though, so I’m happy to give it a shot! As for m…
Really like the opening scene! Raises a lot of questions in the readers' minds. If you'd like, give my comic LOSTLAND a read. You seem like a fan of stories about strangers stuck in strange lands, so you might like this one! [image]
Double chapter today, thanks for at least taking a look !
I read what you have published so far, and the centaur sawni is definitely my favourite character. I like how his expressions alternate between looking genuinely concerned and just plain bored in the next panel. Here's my series. It's about a poor guy named Cinna who has to deal with his classroom…
Hi! I am Lumina. Nice to meet you! I will definitely take a look at your work. I recently started working on my first comic, False God, with a fantasy BL plot. If you want you can see it here. Thanks!!
Just read the first episode, and it seems it's going to be a very fun and interesting series! Here's my series, hope you enjoy!
Loved your work so far! Specially how you are adding little tidbits of information without us knowing it, such as -why did they appeared from Chesed/Hesed sefirah! Just for that I was instantly hooked wanting to know for more. Here is my thing, if you want to check~
Nice to me you. I have a weekly Sunday comic as well. It's about two soldiers, one in red and one in blue, fighting over the ownership of a single flag. It's filled with comedic twists and turns if you are ever looking for a good laugh ever now and then.
I really like the backgrounds you have going on, I'm a tad envious. David is a pretty solid protag so far, actually seems to respond to the new world he is in showcasing his worry and bewilderment, keep it up! I only posted this a few days ago, but if you like shenanigans in Purgatory and the like…