


Oct 19, '19
Last Post
Sep 15, '21
Dec 14, '21
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It sounds to me like you're ready to start making a story for others to read! (I mean you could spend forever world building, but at some point I think you just gotta take the leap into making the story happen and world build around things that actually pertain to your story.) As for starting to…

Mine's a bit on the dystopian, post-apocalyptic side, but I think it still counts​:sweat_drops:

It sounds like you've done the hardest part, which is planning it all out. Now you just gotta do the time consuming part and render the dang thing. -Personally I like to listen to a podcast or a long youtube vid while I render because it keeps my brain engaged. rendering is just such monotonous (b…

If they ain't hurtin' anyone (including yourself), I say keep em up. although I will add maybe put a Postface at the end or something, so people aren't waiting with bated breath. it doesn't have to be anything fancy, just 'I'm not interested in this anymore and I want to move on' is fine. I just …

Hi! so I made a little survey about the kinds of things people would be willing to put money on (like stickers, pins subscriptions, that sort of thing). I was going to limit it to people who read my comic, but I only got like two results... so now I'm trying to open it to a more general consensus!! …

I drew this for an update one time... it didn't get that much attention, but I still think it's funny [image]

I do like me some good monster contents My characters predominantly stay in human forms for this comic, but it's about to get pretty monster-y in the coming weeks :heart:

Suria: huge coffee advocate Lupina: both Benita: sweet iced tea Esperanza: herbal tea Candace: coffee that's 90% cream and sweeteners Ron: honeydew Boba tea Jet: the souls of the innocent

It depends, If it's a specific pose or color reference, then I paste it into the document. but if it's like a character sheet or a generic animal pic I bring it up on my phone so I don't have to keep flipping it on and off.

Yeah I'll give a few tips: -gesture drawing websites are good for understanding the human form, but drawing people in real life situations is better for understanding human behavior. (like different outfits, how are they sitting, how are they carrying themselves, are they alone or with people) -mo…

Yeah, I don't know the specific mechanics to getting ad revenue, but I think it has something to do with the amount of impressions you get in a day (or month maybe?? I'm really grasping at straws here >.<) all I know is that when my daily view count gets over like 90-100 I usually get a cent the n…

[image] I figured my character eggsperanza would be a good fit for this

Oh, interesting! Thank you for this info!!

Yeah, I was getting ad revenue for around 100 impressions a day (which was around 2000 a month and averaged about 20 cents), but this month I got nothing : /

-especially when you're starting out, it's best to be everywhere potential readers can be. -"tasteful but not offensive" probably just means like be mindful of the context of the scene. like you don't have to show every gory detail of an antagonist kicking a puppy (you can imply that scene), but l…

Has anyone else not been getting ad revenue this month? like normally for this amount of ad impressions: [image] i would have gotten a couple cents by now. Did something change when they rolled out the new format or something? Edit: Okay so it seems like revenue is still happening, but it's jus…

:book::crystal_ball::expressionless::coffee::sunrise_over_mountains::sleeping::smiley_cat::dash::grey_question::fish::ramen::cat2::white_flower::tiger2::house_abandoned::person_frowning::wavy_dash::black_large_square::wolf::feet::office::interrobang::disappointed_relieved::sunny::telescope::family_women_boys::tropical_fish::ghost::snowflake::grinning::smiling_imp::desert: and that's just the first part!

Just remember that you still gain more experience from trying and dropping a project than if you had never tried in the first place, and the work you did isn't invalid just because it's unfinished. gains are gains!!

This is my favorite fairly recent panel because I thought it conveyed my character's sort of mental state before revealing that she was in fact crying (I also had to cry for reference lol) [image]

I'll admit I did struggled a LOT with motivation, especially through college. I would often pick profitable Ideas over Ideas that I would actually want to do. Which always ended with me working on a project juuust long enough for the semester to end (along with the praise that came with it) and I wo…

Thanks so much for the opportunity!!

-it might help to set up a single conflict that needs to get resolved and think about how your character(s) would go about fixing said problem (ex: your oc spills hot soup on themselves. do they try to napkin it up? run straight to the bathroom? what do??) -and I will tell you, Most people don't w…

whew, thank goodness. and thank you for answering!!

I'm just wondering because I'm sitting dangerously low to the 100 sub bar, and I'd really hate to have to start over again >.< (I mean I only have like 4 cents, but I still earned those dang it!!) I couldn't find the answer on the forums, has anyone gone through this?

I've been trying to play it cool, but it's really driving me crazy that I'm just five button clicks away from monetization. >.< obviously if my comic doesn't jive with you don't feel pressured to sub, but if you DO like my content you could walk away from this a cute dog doodle richer by clickin…

I guess it depends on the content of the story. like if the story's focus is the romance of a relationship and one of them ends up dying before 'the end', that doesn't make the romantic times they had before that point any less romantic. (in fact sometimes it makes it more romantic.) Personally I'…

none of my characters are human, they're all like fantasy creatures or monsters. however, at this point in the story most of them are still wearing glamours, but eventually the gloves and earrings are coming off.