Why anyone would willing help the people that stole their art, photos, medical records, other personal info and everything else they could is beyond me. You have to really hate yourself, your family, friends, class mate, co-workers, neighbours ect. to welcome the people that robbed all of you and i…
not sure if you like magical girls but I did make a switch to 3D recently https://tapas.io/series/Element-Guardians
Every time I go to read a comic it takes me to the latest page instead of letting me pickup where I left off.Also I don't seem to be able to share comics on social media anymore, I can share pages but not the comic which is inconvenient. I've noticed a hard decline in ad impressions despite increas…
I do more 3D stuff now
I'm in the late 20's.I'm recovering from an injury to my drawing hand and had to learn to use the other, also been learning 3D. Here's a few of mine
yes, you can still use preset frames or make them yourself but the quality should be better after export
you can try change the settings but my experience is to just work on raster layers so you know what you're gonna get post export. Vector layers get rasterized upon export thus messing up the image, also see whether you're using comic or illustration setting, I use illustration for all exports as it …
which one to chose? I've gone with my newest- Wêxn I don't think I'll get to work on the story as I have so many already. I still want to do the character designs and world building as exercise This story is my way of working trough my issues of injuring my drawing hand and the situation I was in a…
Finally able to start uploading again and including more 3D
I've been having trouble with the asset brushes not downloading properly. It could also be that your layers are being converted during export so your details get messed up.
Happy Inksgiving!

Here's mine
Most people love big brands like Disney. YT isn't taking away from that, the difference is price. People who aren't watching tv, do so for 3 main reasons. 1 price, can't afford it, especially multiple channel packages or streaming services. yt is free and has a premium but not needed to watch. I've…
Dailymotion has their head office in Paris, it'll be difficult to get them to comply. They will probably still try. Youtubers can't gather data and the ftc know this, it's becoming clearer that they are interested in making money and if this doesn't work they'll just find another excuse. Even worker…
no,it's cause they were making yt kid friendly, not just the kids app.That's why all yt is affected
except for the part where youtubers can get fined for not labeling their vids correctly according to yt or the ftc, and that this could spread to the rest of the internet...
I've made my yt private but I'm still on dailymotion. I've heard from other creators that inappropriate stuff were marked as for kids by yt because it's animated. The youtubers who are in the clear and know they won't be affected just keep saying that everyone else are just throwing tantrums because…
I've been working for years on trying to to multiple manga/comics.Trying to rotate around which takes time but I also upload extra stuff. This year is a bad year, I injured my drawing arm in January and have been stuck trying to recover which will still take a long time. I've been using my other han…
I have some digital but I've been doing more 3D lately, trying to make more digital art vids for the future, I had to stop when I injured my arm but I've been trying again. Vroid studio was requested so I've been doing a bunch but I also have a dailymotion and I sometimes upload vids there that I …
I've injured my drawing hand so I've been struggling to draw with my other hand and haven't been able to update much this year but I've been doing more 3D and world building Here's some of the stuff I've worked on
https://twitter.com/ZeeQOW not very good at twitter,lately been trying to post less work stuff and more fun stuff. Did get followed by an actor from the show Heroes which still makes me happy
I've only had a handful of ads all year
I gave you ink.Happy Inksgiving
I've come across a few un-inkables myself,it's a bit disappointing but feel free to support me if you want
I was able to give 200, Happy inksgiving!
I gave 100, since I still want to give to others Happy Inksgiving!
I studied music theory a bit. I mostly use musescore to compose.I suggest listening to instrumental (off vocal) versions of your fav songs and mapping down each section so you get a feel for patterns