

Western Australia akreampuff.artstation.com

Day dreamer and cat mum. Artist and tale weaver.
Ongoing series I write and draw:

  • Daemon
  • Little Things
  • The Adventures of DK

~Check out all my Tapas comics by clicking this linkidink~

Dec 3, '15
Last Post
Aug 20, '18
Mar 13, '21
Trust Level

Yay for themed eps!

It's so weird. I guess the best way is to just hope for the best through google :confused:

If I search for my comic and I type in the exact spelling, other comics that are not an exact match (extra letters) come up ahead of mine - I thought maybe results were sorted by popularity, but results showing above mine have less subs. Out of curiosity, does anyone know how it's actually sorted?

My latest page from Daemon! [image] And the latest page in the special comic that I'm doing for INKtober and Drawlloween (oneshot - 31 pages, each page following the Drawlloween prompts, traditionally inked!) [image]

I'm inking a 31 page comic for the challenge! Here's my promo banner featuring art from the last INKtober I took part in :slight_smile: Pages are uploaded daily here: >>Link<< [image]

I'm doing a 31 page comic for INKtober! Rather than uploading all again, here's my promo banner featuring art from the last INKtober I took part in :slight_smile: >>Link<< [image]

For my first webcomic, Little Things, I came up with that in about a week (I really hated my job at the time, and the inspiration probably really shows through in the earlier updates). My first plot-driven comic, Daemon, much longer. I started seriously working on the story and writing the script …

Late to the bandwagon, but here is my comic: https://tapastic.com/episode/566091 Totally okay for it to be used as an ad! Feedback... Probably just the usual "what about desktop tipping?" open_mouth

Hi all, I'm Akreampuff! I have two cartoon series on Tapastic at the moment: If you suffer from workplace blues, or are looking for some sarcastic wit to brighten your day, check out Little Things - A funny way to vent the frustrations of a shit job! Do you like cats? Do you like Batman? Wouldn't…

I have two webcomics with under 100 subscribers (actually 3, but only two worth mentioning). Little Things is a cartoon series of office gags, updated weekly. Normally quite sassy and exaggerated workplace happenings. You can also see a huge difference in art style from the beginning to the curren…