I make illustrations, storyboards and comics.
- Joined
- Jul 30, '19
- Last Post
- Jun 9, '20
- Seen
- Jun 25, '20
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- 11
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I dislike exceptionally cruel bully or enemy characters that ave no personality beyond being super evil. I dislike it when these characters are given absolutely 0 indication of what they get out of the cruelty they exhbit.
I hate that a lot of fantasy will romanticize or reinforce the idea of divine right and monarchy. Good vs Evil. That is why I am currently writing out a script for a fantasy comedy series that pokes at fantasy cliches while still being a silly fantasy story.
I'm 28, Maybe we could start a comics/art Discord!
My comic is an episodic comedy about my thoughts on things and my adorable if misbehaved dog. I am not sure how to embed it as other posters have done. https://tapas.io/series/OffKeyComics