
Caitlin Crowe

Dec 6, '19
Last Post
Sep 13, '20
Sep 25, '20
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basic user

OH, and I forgot to mention, she's allergic to magic.

OH, and I forgot to mention, she's allergic to magic.

Cognrats on having the time to create! I'm so happy for you! My mom owned a bookstore when I was growing up and I spent all my time there. I've always loved to read and write, but I only seriously turned to writing when medical issues made me drop out of law school. Since then I've finished three …

Now let's add in an allergy to magic as well, because things aren't interesting enough!

Now let's add in an allergy to Magic? Harmony's life doesn't seem like it'll ever get easier.

As if her life isn't hard enough, Harmony is allergic to the very magic in the air.

That's so cool! Out of curiosity, what type of writing do you do professionally?

Why do you create your art or writing? I write because I feel compelled to do so and it clears my head. But my best friend writes because she feels obligated to use her degree. What other reasons are there?

“Are you really going to marry him, Harmony?”

When I write I write the story. Then my beta readers tell me they enjoyed the symbolism etc and I have no clue what they're talking about because I didn't put it in there on purpose, it just naturally occurred as I wrote. Needless to say, I don't tell them that.

This is a slow burn GL story that heavily focuses on the development of their friendship. There's also heavy fantasy elements throughout.

I'm nowhere near 50 but I'm happy to share my little story and like some stories along the way :slight_smile:

It's cliche but a self help book. Living through trauma makes you want to help others deal with it!

I've made it to this day, regardless of how hard the days before were. So I'm proud of myself!

I just started writing this fantasy novel. Also congrats! That's so exciting!

I just started updating my fantasy story!

[image] Romance/Fantasy

I have to take a names meaning and then google for names that mean that. Otherwise I get stuck in a name trap. I'm not very creative with names. Hope I never have to name a real human being.

A dark twist on Beauty and the Beast, with Brothers Grimm elements throughout. [image]

[image] It is a dark twist on Beauty and the Beast, with Brothers Grimm elements throughout.