
Crimson Mystery Cake

Jul 15, '21
Last Post
Dec 31, '22
Mar 14, '24
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sure im never really active on discord but maybe this will be fun im crimson_mystery_cake#1291

i mean somee ideas are minted upon conception and others need to be fleshed out more before theyre ready. weve all got our own journey to take and thats what makes storycrafting fun.

the main series i am currently working on is something that i started working on when i was 14/15 years old. i am 26 now. im including concepts and ideas into this story that i have had since i was in middle school. the main concept and main plotline of this story hasnt really changed since i was in…

yes i have lmaoooooo

I am so so heartbroken. Kevin Conroy didn’t just play a superhero, he was a real life super hero in a lot of ways. He always seemed so warm and kind in interviews and conventions, and not just in a “hollywood” sort of way but in a real, gentle kindness and genuine warmth. He was a gay man in an indu…

[image][image] it should be higher. this character is literally designed to be as broken as possible. she is invincible and a threat to the entire multiverse. i couldnt even get to the 50% range :sob::sob::sob: she can shapeshift into anything she wants WHENEVER she wants to [image][image][image] she b…

from what i understand of it is more that elon is unconcerned with artists putting their names on their own work and that art theft would become more rampant. just from what ive seen elon’s whole goal with twitter is to make the platform more open and more “safe for free speech.” it looks like he wa…

I think Mary Sue is a very flawed term, it’s been abused over the last ten years and as a concept it holds no merit as literary criticism so I say don’t worry about it.

I say do it sexualizing characters isnt for everyone and for people that are uncomfortable writing or drawing that kind of stuff thats perfectly ok, but for a lot of people sex is a very important part of life and i feel like shying away from that reality is just disingenuous. I personally dont real…

Best of luck! I really hope the kickstarter goes well!!

I genuinely love this premise. I’d be willing to collab on it, would you want me to dm you a portfolio??

based actually 🦾🦾🦾

Romance. I would leave it at that and not elaborate but tapas word count limit so. I just hate how a lot of series do it. They focus on he hooking up part, character a and character b like each other and the story ends when they finally get together. That’s just the beginning though, I feel like m…

If you’re feeling a sense of dread and like you are wasting your life when you draw then it is ok to quit. I can’t say I quite relate to what you are feeling but you shouldn’t feel like you need to force yourself to do something that makes you miserable.

I’d be thrilled to have my works adapted! However I don’t know if an “anime” would always be the best medium of adaption. In a best case scenario I could get my stuff adapted to something like demon slayer, komi can’t communicate, or the upcoming chainsaw man, something that looks gorgeous and is re…

I’ve actually got a little something that I’ve been working on for a while. I’ll dm you the details to see if you’d be interested.

Well you’re aware that it’s a problem so that’s a first step. What I really think you need is to step outside your comfort zone. Have you ever thought of just making a solo one shot comic as quickly as possible? You could probably learn a lot about your writing if you start by making something sho…

LMAO I figured that people would disagree with that one since it is a very spicy take. I’d be happy to continue the convo but not here since I don’t want to derail this thread.

Where is the option for “no one ends up with anyone and everyone is disappointed.”

Controversial opinion, but I’ve always kind of thought that AtLA was kind of overhyped… It is by no means a bad show, but I’ve always seen it as only being really good for a kid’s show. That show has a TON of flaws, as a matter of fact I would even go so far as to say it’s not that much better tha…

I kind of think a part of it is critique culture. There is a butt ton of YouTube critique videos out there dissecting all sorts of media so it’s easy to get into the mindset of “if I make a mistake then I’m going to get ridiculed” or something. Like, I TOTALLY get wanting to be the best. I don’t t…

arent nfts, like, supposed to be morally wrong idk i saw a twitter tweet about it or something

I say go for it what do you have to lose just be careful if they ask you to sign for anything I guess

put words that say "flicker" next to the light i think people will get the picture

I think they look very cool nippy the nautilus

Welcome back. This is epic.

I write a lot of young adult characters but recently I have opened my third eye and started loving writing messy 30-somethings. Oh yeah also a lot of younger characters aren’t reasonably old enough to have, like, established careers and backstory and stuff. Having a character who has graduated med…

It’s not wrong to have a trans villain by itself just be careful about which tropes you use when portraying the character and make sure that she’s more than just trans and that she’s not a villain because she’s trans. Also it would be awesome if you had other trans characters in other roles. Having …