
Alex Emery

Macclesfield, UK

Despite what the username may suggest, I am actually a regular common-or-garden human. Originally from Macclesfield and desperate to move literally anywhere else as soon as possible, a bit of a moody git 'n' all but I don't bite, so feel free to say hello!

I am also the author of Facts About the World and something mysterious that won't be appearing until Halloween,.

I've been drawing pretty much all my life and keep at it for a bit of fun/to blow off steam as necessary. My main inspirations are a mix of surrealism, kitschy spooky stuff and psychedelic art; some seapunk aesthetics occasionally get some airtime as well because I have no shame.

Aside from drawing, I also love books and can - and most certainly will - bore anyone who will listen about them, so beware. I also like wandering out in the hills, interpreting tarot cards, making mixtapes and playing the acoustic guitar. That's just how wild my existence is.

Bio-writing evidently is not something that I enjoy, nor do I have the inclination to develop an appreciation for it.

Aug 27, '17
Last Post
Aug 28, '17
Aug 29, '17
Trust Level
basic user

Here's the cover for the fourth issue of Facts About the World, which hasn't come up on here yet, but I think the covers of the first three issues came out flipping atrocious (not to put too fine a point on it!) :stuck_out_tongue: [image]

Yes! Immediately followed by slamming the sketchbook shut or dramatically finding something to hide it as quickly as possible - works every time! XD

The worst one has to be "Did you draw that?" when the sketchbook is right there in my lap and the pen is imminently in my hand. I'm all for being patient with people but honestly, what a stupid question. :expressionless:

2/10, I'm getting a friendly vibe from their expression! :slight_smile:

In terms of my current series, it updates whenever I have an issue completed, which can mean anywhere up to 3 months in between issues. The new series I'm working on is planned to update on a once-a-week basis, hence taking the next couple of months to get a couple of issues done in advance. That w…

The inspiration for Facts About the World changes from one issue to the next, usually the ideas come from a simple everyday encounter and I just build it all up into something completely nonsensical from there. The initial spark for the project as a whole was mainly to do with Ivor Cutler and Reeves…