
Dmi Comics


Comic artist of an action comedy comic named SPJ,
Inspired by creative ideas.

Jul 12, '21
Last Post
Apr 29, '22
May 7, '22
Trust Level

Hey guys!I just officially marked a year since I debuted my webcomic here!Thanks so much for the love and support. At the same time I also turn 22! 🥳Feel free to promote your webcomics or novels.You can make my day even more special by hitting the subscribe button​:point_down: [image][image]

@mbindhammer congrats so much to your daughter on that feat!I checked out your work,and I love that classical vibe tgat your art style reminds me of.Looking forward to what your concept unveils to! @BLTX congrats so much on releasing your comic!I loved the gritty vibe youve gone for from the start…

Awesome stuff there stargazer!I'm also on the road to 100 subs. Those norns are quite creepy though,picturing them coming out of the fog has uneasy music on repeat in my head​:joy: Happy new year!

Hey guys!As we usher in 2022,I thought of doing a promo to end 2021!Feel free to promote your work on one condition;WHAT ARE YOU REALLY PROUD OF ABOUT 2021? I'll start.For me,This year I was able to produce a short film titled "THEN" [image] [image] The link to the short film is here below; Othe…

@gh0stflesh blaise is quite a blazing character!Plus the premise of the valphaar attacking is interesting.Keep up the good work! @tbh17q funny how the creator doesnt get the spotlight in his own work:joy:

@ricardoaltuna I love the gritty vibe that you are going for here. You had me right from the moment "My name is SHIT" @delladz That fight with O'Hara was quite intense too! Keep up the work ,it was awesome. @allenT your concept is quite interesting!And Amin is quite the character too...hope he …

Thanks so much!Im returning the favour immediately

@Soulless-Smiles THANKS SO MUCH!neil really has an interesting life at the frontlines​:sweat_smile:Your work really cracks me up.

Your art style is classic!It reminds me of some awesome storybooks I loved back in my childhood.Plus the concept of the song is quite intriguing,Lets hope Adi can learn how to sing it well.Awesome stuff!I subbed

Wwooooooooah!In 2008 I was 8 years old man.That's really epic.Oh and how is sauded pronounced?I just said soda :sweat_smile: But I hope Nathan triumphs over those dark thoughts.all those 110 episodes are good for a binge!I subbed too.Awesome work

At this point this will be the longest war in history, and its the only war id wish to never end xD

keep up the good work,never settle :airplane:

I don't know why but libby really gives me the creeps!But I love that dark vibe that's presented there, its quite intriguing.That author's note also had me cracking up xD.I subbed to your series,nice work man

Hi there!Gen and Choki make an interesting duo xD.Plus the concept of the royals growng elsewhere is intereesting,Im tuned! I have an action comedy comic named SPJ,I'm sure you'll love it. [image][image][image][image][image]

Hi guys!Its now been six months since I started my webcomic and I'm really proud.I have a webcomic named SPj.Its an action comedy comic set in this pandemic era in an african coutry.A gang seeks to exploit the crisis to expand its territories and numbers.Can anyone stop them before it's too late? …

YOOOOOO! Its been six months in the game so far and Im really proud.I have an action comedy comic named SPJ.Its set during the pandemic era in an african country as a gang seeks to take advantage of the crisis to expand their borders. Hope you guys love it and do subscribe.…

I just think of scotts and think of the kilts,I've always found them interrsting.It's awesome you got those cultures,i just imagine kilts and pizza🤣 I checked your work,and I loved Uncle scott's acting​:joy:oscar worthy.I subbed.

I'll be sure to check it out

You definetely should add this to my "funny stereotypes promo"

I know right?It's lovely.I guess you were the subject of test vaccines​:grin: Anyway I checked out your work,and memis is quite something!I would also love a talking dog.

Forza azzuri!your art is real awesome too.I love it.too bad i haven't seen the link,i wanna see it real bad!

Follow the rule of the promo!

Woah,your art is beautiful!and the lineart is clean.I wonder how susanoo looks like when she has a bad hair day​:joy:

@Fuzzyman818 ohh yeah the classic black and white! I really see how it influenced Capture the flag...I love the vibe!

I bet those are some lit manga,I'll be sure to check it out.Drop your work and I'll be sure to check it out!

Thats awesome!I'm following up the story of polaris and im curious to know where things end up.I subbed,keep it up

The devil's panties​:joy:how interesting. Link your work so I can check it out!

Hi there!I had subbed to your work.Could you link the artist's work so I can see too?