
Eduardo Barbosa

Brazil cotmcomic.com/

I'll post here one last time because maybe I explained myself wrong or people are, as I said in the video, protecting the taboo. We NEVER said anything about working for free for a company. We NEVER asid anything about signing contracts. We specifically said that working for free is great when YOU, …

I clearly say on the video what kind of experiences are valuable when collaborating with others: working with a team, working on someone else script and etc. These are definetly not only "professional level" experiences. You can get that with any kind of project. And of course companies take these k…

Maybe you should have watched the whole video then. We explained our positions on exposure further for example. I say that I've never seen in my career an valuable exposure opportunity. I explain that in thesis, it should be a good trade, but it RARELY is. On the experience point: are you against co…

C'mon guys, you're NOT helping here. I want a definite answer! SHORT OR LONG? :joy: Jokes aside, thank you all very much for the answers. I see that everyone is in the same boat as myself. To be honest I still haven't decided on the best solution... I might try the longer format, but I'm afraid of losi…

That depends of what your burnout point is. I define mine as when I just can't work anymore, and that happens when I don't have any more energy to waste on anything that can requires too much concentration. That leaves games and complex books out of the equation. I don't want to judge anyone's lif…

Wow, lots of great comments here. Thank you all so much! It really helps to clarify my mind on this subject. I see that almost all of you are somewhat struggling the same way as me. I don't know why, but this question is really deep and hard for me. Since my childhood, video games always had an i…

I agree with you in seeing Patreon as a business transaction, but lately I've been seeing that maybe that's not really what the patrons think. I used to think that you had to make great rewards for pledges, as to encorage people to pledge to different tiers. What I've been seeing in other creators p…

guys, when you're flatting you do NOT need you to choose the colors yet. You can literally pick any color and change it later to whatever you want using the "FILL" tool. That's why this job is usually delegated to others. Because it's only TIME CONSUMING. It, by definition, does not require creativ…

Usually $5/page max. It's really an easy and mindless job.

Hey there, Danny! I know I made a commission for you before, but if you'd like another one, hit me up :wink: if it's just the character (no background), I would charge $20 for a full colored body. Anyway, good luck!

I'm sorry, I should have phrased that better. I'm very lazy when writing in English. I meant to say that if you were willing to put in the time (which you can't, due to college and life stuff, etc), you could expand the pallete of colors, add more steps to light and shadow. Right now is just base co…

Even though my webcomic could be considered a relative success, I feel like shit all the time about it. It's really hard. If you have high expectations and it doesn't come through, you feel like a failure. If you have low expectations and it surpass them, you feel undeserving. I'm just pushing throu…

I could be wrong here, but I'm of the opinion that the styles are inverse to what you're want. The "dream-like" style has the dark tones more saturated. This is pretty clear if you look at her hair, for example. The "normal" style has more washed colors, which in my opinion is a characteristic of a …

it's hard to critique when even you don't know exactly what you want. For example, there's a lot of room for improvement in your coloring, but as you've said we have to take time into consideration. I'll try my hand at what I THINK your issue with the coloring in these pages is: they're "glowing" t…

To solve the first problem I usually work on more than one story idea. Even though I'm working on a webcomic right now, I'm already planning the next three. That way it's easier to use whatever crazy cool idea my mind comes up with. To avoid the second problem I usually write down the way the stor…

I think you should just bite the bullet and start as soon as possible. Maybe the new readers you serve as the push you need. At least that's how it works for me. I really want to take break, maybe a couple months, but I don't want to disappoint my readers, so I keep making it.

I'm sorry if I came out as patronizing. It was really not my intention. My comments in this thread were not direct at anyone in particular. I saw many other threads like these, where people were asked how much they charge for their pages/ illustrations. What I usually saw were many wrong information…

Oh, I never meant to imply that charging $1000 is bizarre or even wrong. As you said, most professional artists are paid really well. You can earn a lot of money in this industry. But there's a catch: you have to be one of the best around. Are you one of the best? Does your skill and experience in m…

@TopJimComics you're completely right, that's why I said "pencillers". Pencillers are the most expensive, USUALLY ranging from $100-200 (with some start artist being paid $1000 or more per page). There are the colorists ($50-100), inkers ($100-200) and letterers (I don't really know). @DaniBoy I…

That's a really AWESOME video. I'll be launching my own kickstarter soon, so I wanted to know: you made this video yourself? you had any help or you hired someone?

I always cringe a little when I look at people usually think what their page rates would be. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that your art isn't valuable or is less valuable than someone elses. My point is that you can charge whatever you want, but if you REALLY want to sell something, you HAVE t…

My wife is the colorist, and as much as I want to take the credit for this cover, I think it's all hers.

I really like your cover =D Here's mine favorite of Children of the Moon: [image]

Hey man, congrats for the entry! I genuinely hope you win! ( I voted for you, of course =D)

I think that to best rate the thumbnail, we should post it in a very low res (150x150 px). I took the liberty to edit your thumbnail above to the resolution I mentioned: [image] For the rating: Ithink it's good, maybe with more details than it should. With thumbnails you should be very concise wi…

Hey Danny, I just wanted to say that's really awesome seeing a creator I follow going on new and bolder projects. Congrats man! =D

I'm living in Brazil currently. I decided to start studying Japanese on my own recently (like 2 months ago). I'm already fluent in English, so I feel like it's easier the second time. (but japanese is haaaaaaaaaaard)

Hello! Although my most recents pieces doesn't look exactly like the style you described, I believe that I can deliver what you're looking for. ( it's just a matter of changing the style of the eyes, basically). Check out my DevianArt for a complete view of my portifolio, maybe my webcomic too. If…

In my opinion, the absolute basic that should NEVER be missing: update on a schedule; if they know you're serious about your comic, they'll stick around. always reply to comments; if the reader knows you'll pay attention to them, they'll stick around.

This was my first drawing of my characters from Children of the Moon [image] I was still learning how to use my cew Cintiq at the time. It's a bit off from what we ended up going for: [image] The colors are different, but the main difference is the side of the scar!