My pleasure. You've got a great attitude and an open mind...you'll still be chugging along when other people drop out. Good for you. Edgar Right has a great style and I can see what you mean. Have you ever sketched while watching anything? If not, pop on Hot Fuzz, crack open a sketch book and keep t…
As said above, the resolution of you images needs an upgrade. As for the art style, I can't speak on the Manga style as I don't tend to read much in that genre, but as for general technique: You seem to be updating pages pretty quickly, and while speed is certainly something to be praised and ca…
Not to be harsh but I think you should work on bubble placement. Texts should be in center and not touching the line. Don't have too many lines in one bubble. One way to fix this is too make the bubble bigger and make sure the text is centered. Onto the plot, it's kind of confusing. Things are hap…
The Official-For-Now "How Does This Look??!?" Thread How to use this thread: This thread is for any creator/artist who is experimenting with new styles, new programs, new brushes, and anything else artistically that they might want a second opinion on from their fellow creators, whether you're s…