

Hello, I subscribed to your series because I love comics about Demons. Here is my comic. Please subscribe when you can. Thank you.

And those 40,000 views have to all be from the US as well which honestly is really unfair considering how international Webtoon is. For an idea of how many total views and subscribers you need to reach to be eligible, if you look at January's list for the current Canvas Creator Rewards program t…

Yep, and you also have to submit your series for WT to approve for ad share. Creators don't get a button they can click to unlock automatically. Also the minimum to actually withdraw your money to put in your pocket is $100 I think.

Unfortunately, not really for a large amount of creators. Ad Revenue doesn't pay out very well anyways, but the requirements to even unlock it in the first place are pretty steep so most series don't qualify. I believe it's 1,000 min. subs, and 40,000 monthly page views? Even if you have the subs,…

BEHOLD MY WEALTH! :joy: [image] ...Seriously though, the requirements for ad revenue on Webtoon are ridiculously high and very hard to maintain. I wouldn't put my hopes on there :sweat_smile:

[image] Zero :money_mouth: I wanna thank my mom, my dad, everyone. Really its usually like..1% make cash through webtoons

Could have been a lot worse, you could have owed Webtoons a dolla. :smiley:

webtoons doesn't give you money at all unless you're professional and they hire you

If we could be frank with you, if you just joined Webtoons to try to make money, you really don't belong on Webtoons. :frowning: If you want to make real money with webcomics, you get your own website, post your comic there, gain a following, offer advertising space, and work up from there. Forget doing …

More specifically -- once you get 40k views and 1000 subs, you are eligible for the ad revenue program (which you need to apply for). Afterwards, the $100 you can possibly earn is dependent on the amount of page views you get each month (and this is mostly based on the US views if you're using the U…

No. you will have to have 40K views every month for that. No 40K views in a month - no money.