

Intagram Youtube Tiktok Here's a hack for written stories. (they struggle the hardest) Copy paste parts of your story into, Text to Speech apps , tada! Instant audiobook, If you don't mind a robot telling the story. It may hurt of help your novel depending how what genre it is.

This thread has been really helpful! I'm really having difficulty with promotion, but these replies are giving me some ideas! Since some assets for my novel are already in the works, I'll try thinking of how to use it for promotion (I also think I should discuss the terms of usage with the artist).

Well, how do you feel about your first series? Is it boring you already? Do you need a break from it? If you're still doing well with the first one, I'd say stick to it and jot down ideas for the second. If the first one is getting boring or tiring to work on, then I'd say go for the second. It's be…

You should finish your current one

You could always do a quick outline/plot summary and some inital sketches and then shelve it so you don't forget. I have a file full of story ideas like that and I store it specifically so I have something to choose as my next project. :slight_smile:

@hen Asking for some help is already a sign you will do alright :slight_smile: If I have a new idea (and I feel it shows promise) I will note it down regardless. But I'll generally prioritise on the things that I'm already working on. But more importantly, if you see a great opportunity that causes you to put y…

I say focus on your current series but write that other idea down anyway!

First of all welcome! Second, I agree to finish your current series first, but if you get ideas for new ones try writing them down in a little notebook or document on your computer/phone. It will help you sort your brain out, and you can focus back on your current series. :smiley:

It all depends. You say you are new, then I believe that this is a classic "The gates of heaven have opened" and your creative mind is starting to see the light. What I will recommend is to chase the creative flow, start your next project when you feel for it. Naturally, you will be able to do tha…

I'm of the mind that you should never chew more than you can swallow. So unless you feel like you can do both series at once, I would focus on the first one and take notes for the second one. Plus if you're a new writer is better to gain experience doing something to the end, rather than multiple fa…

If you are a new writer, I think it is far more important to learn how to finish a series than it is to learn how to juggle multiple projects at once, or to always be writing beginnings for stories and never writing endings for them. I suggest focusing on one thing for now, to get the experience of …