

Apr 19, '20
Last Post
Apr 21, '20
Apr 22, '20
Trust Level
basic user

If I could get an actual review on my comic I would be so grateful. My only other one just told me to get gud and didn't even talk about the story : ( The Wretched Ones is queer fantasy story, around pg13. Mostly because of foul language.

This has been incredibly helpful in helping me see my weak spots. I honestly started making comics without panel lines because I hated drawing them. They are the bane of my existence and I figured I could just not draw them and pass it off as being creative, but I guess the jig is up. I'll start d…

So I've recently joined as a creator here and decided to start fresh. While I have my own website with the full story of my first webcomic, The Wretched Ones, I've started to post redrawn pages to here to gain readers who dont have to suffer through my original godawful art. I'm also using this as a…