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- Apr 3, '20
- Last Post
- Dec 7, '23
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- Oct 24, '24
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A little bit of magic, a little bit of romance, and a skeptical little pupper. Named Anubis. Intrigued?
I think I managed to get everyone on the list... I'm using my support ink during Inksgiving to determine the length of my holiday story. The more ink donated, the longer the story! Please check out my new novel, and if you drop some Inksgiving Ink I'll do my best to return the favor!
Hey there! I'm a bit late to the game, but I just started a story for the True Love contest and would love any and all feedback on it. There's only one chapter posted so far.
I did my goals differently this year... The amount of ink donated will determine the length of the Holiday Bonus story I write this year! Please check out my new story, too:
I’ll share too, I guess. It’s mostly my ramblings but I do also have: Open commissions Digital downloads (some free!) A ko-fi exclusive story unlocked with any donation Feel free to follow, or even just give views? Tips always appreciated too!
Thanks for the clarification everyone! Again, I’ve never worked on a comic with an artist before so some of the back and forth I saw going on was just… baffling. I knew the community here could help clarify.
It makes a lot more sense if they were working on an adaptation rather than a collaborati…
Hey all! I've never actually worked with an artist for a comic before, and I've seen a few topics/comments out there which had me wondering about a few things - mainly the level of participation that writers have. Is it expected that a writer will write a script for a comic and then just... drop i…
My thing
My other thing
Oh, hey, I have a completed thing too
(Edited to fix links. Oops.)
Sounds amazing. I wish I could have even a day like that! I feel like I’d get so much accomplished. 🥺
(Also, I should point out that I am absolutely amazed that you wrote a script in a month. I can only work that quickly for short stories, and even then I don’t feel I’ve put in the time they deserve.)
I’m not sure that it’s always true that the art takes longer. I think that depends heavily on the writer, the artist, and the experience both of them have. A new writer might take 2-3 times as long writing a script when you count in all the time researching, writing, editing, editing again, proofrea…
For me, there's a difference between a paid commission and a collaboration. A commission is closer to someone ordering at a restaurant: you give me what you'd like to see and I create it. If you don't like it there might be some wiggle room, but in the end you chose me to create something for you an…
There are prompt generators online, and random plot generators, and more. That sounds sort of like what you’re describing as an “idea guy”, and I’ll admit that I’ve used them before as a starting point. For me, there are times where I feel uninspired, or that everything I’m writing is coming out …
I think an ideal writing space matters, but that doesn’t mean you always have to write in the same physical location. Or that you’re always writing in ideal circumstances. That’s why there’s so much revision involved in the writing process. I’ve jotted down notes on my phone in a line (coded, usuall…
Here’s my series! Ink welcome, my goals are listed in the Inksgiving episode.
I’ll try to donate a little to everyone on the list! [:tapa_pop:]
Thank you for reaching out! Could you please send me some samples of your work, and how much ink you’d charge per cover?
Hello there! I’m a tapas novelist who isn’t the best at creating my own covers. I’m looking for someone to create new, appealing covers for my ongoing series: I’m not able to pay in cash, but I have been saving up ink for some time and would be willing to pay in tapas ink. Please let me…
I only have enough Ink to give out 100 to everyone on the list Wish I could give more! I'll be sending Ink out shortly!
My second Inksgiving, and I'm so excited for it! I have some tentative goals planned, but I'm not going to announce them until I'm sure. I'm also grinding both ads and offers trying to save up that ink to give away. I'm gonna try and give a little bit to everyone I can. [:smile_01:]
Just updated this yesterday! Please enjoy!
Thank you so much!
I just got support unlocked, so I'll drop a link here for the author of a series I just found and think the comic is hilarious:
And here's mine:
I'll try to share ink as much as I can!
I'm close to hitting 200... but that's not 250. Thank you so much for doing this for creators!
Thank you so much for thinking of me!! [:heart_03:] You just made my week! [:tapa_pop:]
Congrats on the views!!
Here's mine if you want to take a look. Marked Soul has completed the first arc and is currently on break; Shadow Fox is still updating 2x/week.
I'm pretty sure it resets daily too. When I was updating daily and getting around 150-200 views/day I was earning a penny a day. Since I'm no longer updating every day I'm getting less than 100 views/day and haven't earned any ad revenue (even though total ad impressions would have me at 2-3 pennies…
I've also been wondering, especially since the last update, does a creator's views of their own work count? I've been seeing my first chapter more often since the dashboard now links to the first chapter (it's the link without the /info at the end). I don't want to artificially inflate views, but th…
I'd love to, but I don't have any artist friends and I can't afford to pay anyone. Maybe someday...
Here's my patreon!
and here are my novels~! Read ahead on Patreon for Shadow Fox, and a preview for Book 2 of Marked Soul