Mauricio Fig
- Joined
- Feb 5, '15
- Last Post
- Aug 21, '20
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- Sep 29, '20
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- 23
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- basic user
Hello! Climbing to milestone 25 followers... still far. come meet my mystery brazillian-based adventures! 46 pages and still going! https://tapas.io/series/BalloonStar
Why wouldn't you? Perhaps it is incorrectly classified? (super hero or slice of life, or fantastic?)
If you're not sorry by now, would you please be so kind to visit: https://tapas.io/series/BalloonStar
Your comic is very nice overall! The story seemed at first a bit "stiff" but you drove it to the end nicely. For instance, was there a reason Nacho was a botanic? Maybe you will use it forward, but it had no impact on his personality and actions throughout the championship. The world-setting was…
Your comic had a nice cliffhanger! I think the pace was too short. Maybe make one page out of two... but it seems you don't have much time to to much at a time! Keep going, it's interesting! I am expecting to know what will happen (subscribed!) If I hadn't chose to read your comic (the thread inte…
I believe we all do what we CAN, not what we WISH. And everyone's strife (is and) should be to be as good as it is POSSIBLE for us to be. We have many potential as a child, but what do we learn? How focus we dedicate to develop as younglings? We have it chosen for us until some point. Later, it is …
ooo boy, from the end up then!
Not symplistic in the sense of dull, limited. But in the sense (sorry english not my first language) of lack of refinement, you work with fewer elements and relations. That leaves space for more content in other areas (text, or gestalt relations). I mean, many artists who are not willing to invest i…
Your style is concise and clear. Your story is not my personal preference, and I guess the appeal to your stories are on their subject. You actually did a reference to preferences of style on the 10th page. And what you named "Awesome Art" I would rather call "Appealing Art". It has more depth (on t…
Your comic has a very nice story! I liked the characters (perhaps the Hana guy was a bit over), but they're all nice! Haven't read everything but I'm curious to see how it develops! The scenery (drawing) is a bit off, maybe some photos or 3d models to help you cover that. Some poses are also kinda …
I would like to participate, so maybe I'll check five or so suggested comics here before placing my own and: I... kinda liked it? So far... I liked the colour choices you did, but your linework seems a bit diffuse for my tastes (though it is enjoyable). I think the initial pace of your story is a …
Hello! Been here before sometime ago! But now I've come to my 21st episode/page! Going on steady, couple more pages to finish this chapter! Come check it out!
Olé! Samba! Nem parece que fazem quatro anos que upei meus primeiros comics (e deixei)... Sou quadrinista de Brasília e publico (em português) no meu site http://www.muricioart.com.br/hq/ mas aqui no tapas estou publicando em inglês mesmo! Minha linha é ação/super heróis mas tento fazer o mais difer…
I have a new story, http://tapastic.com/series/Dizzydazzler this one inspired great part by my sister, and her struggle at the time to get a job while having to take care of her children (not too dramatic, really - family helped out a lot). I think is a modern problem, to get to do what you like whi…
Hey hey hey! The first story of Ebony is done! And now for a (not completely different) new story! Meet Dizzydazzler! http://tapastic.com/series/Dizzydazzler
Eeeeeeee! HUEHUEHUEBR na Tapastic! Olá a todos! Que bom ter compatriotas linguísticos por aqui! Sou de Brasília, sou do Brasil, meu quadrinho está em inglês pois acho que é a língua internacional... tenho quadrinhos em pt-br no meu site mesmo... acho que aqui é melhor uma exposição internacional! E…
Hello! I'm Mauricio! Nice to be here! (not sure if this post or not - said error 500 but wont let me post it :-/ ) I started just reading most comics, but I decided to translate mine to post in tapastic (I am from Brazil, hence I speak portuguese). I like drawing comics, many kinds of comics, but st…