

[image] I made this sketchy sketch for Valentine's Day! In Finland Valentine's Day is about friendship more than romantic love, so I wanted to draw something that was about love in general.

[image] Really love establishing the first scene, since I'm just getting used to drawing backgrounds!

[image] for a Webtoon Valntines' collab :smiley:

Here's my comic, feel free to check it out :slight_smile:

Hi I just subscribe to @ENEME, @lauragarcia511, @kupallordz123, @mcarrowolga, @Filthiestboi, @Desserts_24, @AmazementComics, @cherrystark, @thecrystalrook, @TadxSarah. Okay, I sub you all. I hope you do the same. Don't be cheeky like unsubs at one point, since I assume everyone here agree on subs …

Hi... thank you for the opportunity. Already ready some of you. and I am going to sub the others, and promise to read and "like"... :slight_smile:

post your favourite page of your comic and promote it! Xx :dizzy::+1: