Feb 27, '21
Last Post
Jun 15, '21
Jul 9, '21
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hmm I see beasts of men here but can't find cursed lycan. yea they probably deleted it from tapas but you might be able to find it elsewhere!

I drew better in ch 20 than in ch 1 lol! xD

New cover art!! Happy with how this one came out! [image]

hey i wanted to check it out but link seems broken!

Basketball and romance!

This was for WebComics submission, but I made it large enough to resize to other platforms.

Thanks Yulek for the suggestions and sub! I added the series to my bio :slight_smile: Yea! definitely for the next cover I'll try to come up with a more dynamic action pose...this was just first thing that came to mind.

Thank you!! Yea I think I'll compare with different fonts and placement, it was done a little last minute but it's supposed to be a sport-ish font. And good point about the white glow, I'll clean that up so it's not everywhere.

I like working in the morning, I wake up at 5am, sit on my bed with coffee and draw for 2 hours then go to work. In the evenings I draw while watching shows or movies to relax haha.

Thanks!! Let me try that, yea I noticed the lines look really jagged for some reason, maybe I resized it incorrectly.

Genre: Sports / Romance / Comedy Please help point out any mistakes or problems... Also would love it if you had some tips regarding background / effects for banners? I just roughly did a soft white brush around the characters I lost all objectivity after about hour 4, eyes blurry at the moment.…

Hmm, I personally am not a fan of the office theme LOL brings back trauma of work :[ "Worker" is a bit sus of a title too haha (not too sure if people want to be called "interns" either)

I agree with the posts above. If you're in it for money, e-fame (subs) or whatever vain reasons you're going to have a bad time lol. Your goal/reason for drawing is the most important source of motivation in my opinion, finding that might be the best step. *on a more critical note, I do think y…

[image] i added this character as a joke but she seems to be popular w readers at webtoon xD

I'm glad you're getting some rest! I agree breaks are absolutely necessary... it's hard to even outline something decent when I haven't rested.

very cool! nice job!

Is anyone currently working as a full time webcomic artist (40-60 panels as required by most companies) while working another job full time? Just curious to see if this is even possible or it's a stretch... and most importantly how do you do it / manage your time?

[image] had to draw this one in last minute before update. title "in the paint"