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- Sep 29, '14
- Last Post
- Aug 25, '15
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- Aug 8, '16
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wll, id say its gotten me at least out of my safe zone!!!!that and im progressing, although SLOOOWLY i guess progress is at the end progress!!!im more aware about fonts now!! [image] its my fantasy series http://tapastic.com/series/AWAKENING
well here is my banner, i think ill change it as time goes(hopefully) [image] and [image] http://tapastic.com/series/AWAKENING
hii!!!!!!thank you very much the link is here: http://tapastic.com/series/AWAKENING the comik is called awakening!thank you Reply as linked Topic
Heey im still kind of new,but i guess im growing painfully slowly,no idea how promoting it/ making people find it.... actually works works but this ideas pretty awesome: if your interested in something new please try my comic. http://tapastic.com/series/AWAKENING2 to summarise its an authors t…
[image] i had too much fun working on this http://tapastic.com/series/AWAKENING
Heey im still kind of new,but i guess im growing rather slowly,no idea how promoting it/ hoping/making people find it.... works if your interested in something new please try my comic. http://tapastic.com/series/AWAKENING to summarise its an authors take on a whole new world of raeia. fantas…
Heey im still kind of new,but i guess im growing rather slowly... if your interested in something new please try my comic. to summarise its an authors take on a whole new world of raeia. fanasy, light humor and overthetop character powers and development http://tapastic.com/series/AWAKENING …
Heey im still kind of getting the hang of this...rather slowly but if anyone is interested please try my comic. http://tapastic.com/series/AWAKENING hope you like it.
AHHH this helps!!!ive no idea when to upload it!lol!
gods amongst men http://tapastic.com/series/AWAKENING
hello, my names moses newgatemw and im very new here.i am the athor of my comic, AWAKENING http://tapastic.com/series/AWAKENING .ive wanted to release it for a while but my art was the let down, so for now im just growing with it i guess...... currently on my reading list http://tapastic.com/ser…