

Sep 29, '14
Last Post
Aug 25, '15
Aug 8, '16
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basic user

wll, id say its gotten me at least out of my safe zone!!!!that and im progressing, although SLOOOWLY i guess progress is at the end progress!!!im more aware about fonts now!! [image] its my fantasy series

well here is my banner, i think ill change it as time goes(hopefully) [image] and [image]

hii!!!!!!thank you very much the link is here: the comik is called awakening!thank you Reply as linked Topic

Heey im still kind of new,but i guess im growing painfully slowly,no idea how promoting it/ making people find it.... actually works works but this ideas pretty awesome: if your interested in something new please try my comic. to summarise its an authors t…

Heey im still kind of new,but i guess im growing rather slowly,no idea how promoting it/ hoping/making people find it.... works if your interested in something new please try my comic. to summarise its an authors take on a whole new world of raeia. fantas…

Heey im still kind of new,but i guess im growing rather slowly... if your interested in something new please try my comic. to summarise its an authors take on a whole new world of raeia. fanasy, light humor and overthetop character powers and development

Heey im still kind of getting the hang of this...rather slowly but if anyone is interested please try my comic. hope you like it.

AHHH this helps!!!ive no idea when to upload it!lol!

hello, my names moses newgatemw and im very new here.i am the athor of my comic, AWAKENING .ive wanted to release it for a while but my art was the let down, so for now im just growing with it i guess...... currently on my reading list…